Chapter 2 'Car Chase'

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I decided to call Jack so I turned on the bluetooth in my helmet and dialed his number. He picked up on the second ring and just as I was about to say how the Tahoes were following us, he cut me off, "Fuckers are following us." his voice sounded through my helmet.

I looked at him as we rode and nodded, "I wonder why?" I asked mostly to myself. "Yesterday, did you know who you were stealing from?" Jack asked me. I nodded, "Yeah, two buff guys that were talking with a lone guy, why?" Jack shook his head. "You idiot that doesn't mean you know who you were stealing from. How about if you just stole shit from the mafia or something and those guys behind us are working for them?!" I gulped.

"Never crossed my mind." I admitted. I could see Jack shaking his head from the corner of my eye, "Leo, sometimes you outstand me." I pouted. "Shut up, it's not my fault besides we should just be worried about riding them off our tail." I told him. I heard him sigh, "You're right." he said making me nod.

I looked up to see a red stop light and was about to stop but Jack's voice sounded through my helmet, "Don't stop, go!" He yelled and starting speeding off crossing the red light. I laughed and started off after him passing the red light as well. When I looked behind me I saw the three Tahoes following right behind us, crossing the red light. Okay, now I know there definatly following us.

I started speeding after Jack going right beside him before I heard the sirens of cops behind the Tahoes. They were yelling at us to pull over. Jack cursed, "The one time I don't follow the rules and they're onto us!!" I shook my head. "Fuck it we can't pull over those guys will kill us if we do!" I retorted.

"Let's break a few more rules then." Jack said and I could just imagine him smirking behind that helmet of his! He did a wheelie and started speeding through the highway dodging cars and trying to confuse the Tahoes plus the cops. While I followed after him.

Even with all the twist and turns they were still behind us. "Oh my fucking god!! They're so annoying!!!" Jack screamed making me wince at how loud his voice was. "Well at least they aren't shooting at us." I said out loud. Right when I said that bullets sounded through the air making me look back just in time to see the two cop cars flipping over and crashing into each other creating a huge explosion.

"I'm going to kill you for jinxing us." Jack growled out making me fake chuckle. "Sorry." I mutterted. "Let's see if we can cross through the store and into the back." Jack suggested. "Maybe we can even twist around and make it seem like were taking lake avenue but were really taking a turn into the doughnut place." I added. "Perfect." Jack said and was about to speed of ahead of me but then they started shooting at us. Stray bullets hitting the road and flinging in the air, I screamed and sped ahead but then Jack cursed making me look back at him.

I gasped and the blood drained from my face as I saw Jack struggling with his now one wheeled Hayabusa, his back wheel had been shoot at. I slowed my speed wanting to be there when he got flung off but one of the Tahoes got close to him and a man grabbed him pulling him into the huge car through the window. His motorcycle screeched and flipped over two times before "Jack!" I screamed. I didn't hear anything and was about to scream his name again when I saw something happening inside the Tahoe.

I slowed my speed so I was closer but not to close to the Tahoe on the right the other two had stopped shooting but were closing in on me. I ignored them as I squinted my eyes to see Jack punching the driver, I could see that the guy that grabbed Jack was now passed out in his seat but all I cared about was Jack. "Come close to the passangers window." Jack told me. I quickly got close to the passangers window just in time to see Jack flick off the guy in the other Tahoe before moving to the passangers window and holding out his hand. I held out mine but made sure to have control of my baby before grabbing his and helping him on my motorcycle.

"Go, go, go!" he yells when he finally settles in. I feel him turn around and through my rear view mirror I see Jack pull out a gun and shoot at the Tahoes wheels making it coming to a screeching halt. I expect he got the gun from one of the guys in the car, it didn't matter now though because as soon as he did that he threw the gun on the road. The other two Tahoes moved past the Tahoe that was in the middle of the road paying no attention to it as they raced after us, "Thanks for the rescue." Jack says. "No problem but I was scared for a second there." I told him. His hands went around my waist and he shook his head, "Leo, I'm the great Jack don't worry I'll be fine. They were all pussies anyway." I laughed but it was short lived as bullets started flying again.

"So much for the laugh." I grumbled. "We'll have more if you go with the plan." Jack reminded me making me increase the speed and turn for the highway exit, the Tahoes were also going pretty fast but their cars weren't meant for the speed not like my baby.

When we get out of the highway I sped for the back of the store, cars got in our way but it was easy to dodge them with my baby unlike the Tahoes. I heard a crash and looked to see that one of the Tahoes had collided with someone that had been backing out of their parking spot.

"You should have hit the other car!" Jack yelled at the girl he collided with one of the Tahoes. "Why?" I asked him as I took another sharp turn out of the way of a moving truck. "No reason. Now go, were almost to freedom!" Jack yelled. I rolled my eyes but did as he wanted and kept going.

When we were finally in the back of the store where all the trucks were I took a sharp turn to the doughnut place by the store but from where the Tahoe was it looked like it would look like a took a turn to the right and into lake avenue. It would look like it because inbetween the store and the doughnut place is a huge wall so if you take the turn you go to lake avenue but if you keep turning you enter the doughnut place.

I stopped the motorcycle and waited and not even five seconds passed that the Tahoe rushed past us going down lake avenue. I didn't even wait for them to notice that we hadn't gone there and raced back into the back of the store and to the front. I didn't slow down till I knew there weren't anymore huge black Tahoes following us.

"I think it's safe now." Jack said and I nodded. For now anyway. I took the exit not even bothering to hit the store to get Jack's lollipop and he didn't comment about ethier. When we finally got home we made sure to close all the windows and door before going to the game room to clear our minds of what had just happened.

"That was intense." I started out. Jack nodded but then groaned, "My baby was destroyed! Those fucking fuckers got what came to them!" he yelled pulling on his hair. I laughed, "Hey, it's okay we'll go tomorrow and see if we can find it in a tow place or something. You had insurance on it so I'm sure we just have to find it and boom you got your baby back." I reasurred him.

Jack didn't look convinced but then seemed to think about it and nodded, "Yeah, I do. Thanks, Leo." I waved him off. "It's what best friends are for mate." He took my head in a head lock and buried his knuckle on my head making me growl while he laughed. "I'm going to kill you Jack!" I yelled when he let go of me but he just shook his ass at me before running to the living room where I chased him trying to get him in a head lock.

It didn't work out so much though I just ended up tired and sweaty while Jack yelled trimphantly. I glared at him but he just stuck his tongue out at me and walked into the game room. Jack is so weird sometimes I just don't think I could handle him but then I think of my mom and I change my mind.

I rather deal with my best friend then my mom she worries to much and wants me to do this and this and this. I just want to relax and have a wonderful day not a stress filled one like today. That was my first ever car chase and like hell I want to have another one.

I get up from the sofa and walk towards the game room where Jack is waiting for me with a control in his hand, he wants to play Mario Kart. He's pouting his lips and I can't ignore his puppy face so I sigh, get the controller from his hand and start playing with him. It takes a bit to fall asleep but we finally do, this time in our rooms. I sigh and cuddle into my blankets thanking them for their warmth.

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