Chapter 3 'Sacrafice'

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I wake up hearing someone knocking on the door at first I was just going to keep sleeping but then I remembered yesterday and shot up from my bed. I grabbed the nearest thing with me which so happened to be a broom. I let out a sigh but shrugged since it'll have to do for now. I open my bedroom door then make my way to the front door but stoped short when I saw a letter slide beneath the door.

"You're getting it. I almost died yesterday who knows what the fuck that letter has." I held my heart because I swear just then I had a heart attack. I turn to face a sleepy eyed Jack. I glared at him. "I fucking had a heart attack, don't do that!" I complained. Jack shrugged innocently, "Sorry." he said but I knew he was just messing with me so I rolled my eyes at him before eyeing the piece of a paper.

Knowing that Jack wasn't about to get close to it I walk up and grab it after making sure it didn't have anything around it like some bomb or something. I put the broom down and open it up and in it is one slip piece of paper which reads;

Meet in Lagon street at 2. Don't be late.

I nod and turn to Jack holding up the paper, "He wants to meet." I tell him as he reads the paper. "I'll go with you." Jack says but I immediatly shake my head at him. "No way, how about if it's the people from yesterday. You really scared me when they took you into that damn car." I said grabbing the letter back from him.

Jack looked at me like I was crazy, "Are you kidding me?! I know how to defend myself Leo what we need to worry about is you! You're the one that stole the jewels and suitcase that not to mention probably has more than a million dollars in it! I'm going with you!" he argued but I stood firm and shook my head, "Exactly then I should deal with this on my own. It's my responibility!" I told him before stomping to my room to change.

Jack followed right behind me though, "Bullshit!! Leo, I'm going and you can't stop me!" he shouted making me stop and glare at him. "How about this if I don't text you at two ten you can come guns blazing!" I tried. Jack gritted his teeth, "I'll really go guns blazing." he warned and I shrugged. "If I don't text you at two ten." I repeated. Jack groaned but nodded, "Fine, you're a stupid brother though." he whispered to himself.

I heard it though and smirked, "What was that, brother?" I asked him teasingly. Jack's face went red and he turned away from me, "Shut up! Now go he said not to be late. I'm going to do a little shopping." I chuckled and let him go. I loved him as a brother too though it's the kind of relationship we have ever since we meet five years ago.

I let him go and took a shower before starting to get dressed in a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and my favorite black high tops. I took my phone and wallet but then I thought if I should bring the jewels and money but then decided not to. The person didn't say anything about bringing it, I'll keep them hidden.

I walked out of the room and was about to leave when Jack appeared from his room dressed in a green and black flannel with tight black jeans and his black boots with green shoe laces. "I thought you were going shopping?" I asked him. His light green eyes met mine as he nodded, "Yeah, but I have to get a ride there so I was waiting for you to come out of your room." he said as he came up next to me.

I sighed, "Come on." I said motioning for him to follow me. Jack followed after me and we went inside the garage to my Hayabusa. I got on letting the engine come to life hearing my baby purr, I then motioned for Jack to get on. He got on and I opened the garage door, "Where do you want to go?" I asked him. "The gun store." he answered making me look at him as if he was crazy. "Just in case." he said shrugging. I sighed and let him go because convincing Jack would be like convincing a rock to move, it's not done. I put on my helmet and rode off.

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