The Hogwarts Express

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The Hogwarts Express

Clouds of billowing smoke swamp the platforms of Kings Cross Station, London. Crowds of people move with the flow of the foot-traffic across the platforms and down the corridors and it is these people that give Kings Cross the title of the busiest train station in London. With 11 platforms and its location in the center of the bustling city, it's no surprise that the station is so popular.

However Kings Cross Station is popular for another reason, a reason that makes it ultimately different from every other station in London, and perhaps even the world. It is so different that no one would notice the difference that is unless they are a witch or wizard on their way to the magical school that is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The brick wall separating Platform Nine and Ten at Kings Cross Station appears normal - it is usually covered in a layer of gum with a few posters stuck to the wall advertising a range of useless deals, which everyone ignores - but some people know better. Multiple times a year the wall becomes an entranceway to platform nine and three quarters. Multiple times it becomes a passage between the two platforms.

Today is September the first and the passageway is open. Children and parents, pushing trolleys, disappear through the magical barrier and the muggles (non-magical people) don't notice anything. Those that do notice something persuade themselves it was just a trick of the light, or that they were merely imagining it, and hurry on before they see something else that would make them unordinary.

With a screech of trolley wheels, another to-be-student raced towards the barrier and vanished through the wall to the platform beyond. Behind him a family appeared in the mist. They all have flaming-red hair and were being led by a plump woman who was chattering away to one of the other females in the group.

Excluded from the family are two other characters - a young bushy-haired woman with her fist clenched around the envelope in her hand and a gangly young man with messy black hair and round glasses walking beside her - both of them physically different from the red-haired family beside them. The difference in the male's appearance from that of the rest of his group went further than his hair and eye colour for upon his forehead rested a lightning shaped scar that made him stand out from every other wizard he knew.

Together with the bushy-haired female and one of the red-haired children, the Golden Trio was formed and they would never be forgotten by the magical world. Their story would go down in the history books for what they had done for the magical community. They all knew what awaited them through the barrier and they all feared the attention they would receive from their fellow wizards.

"It's all going to be different isn't it?" the girl asked, looking at the barrier nervously.

"We helped defeat Voldemort last year, Hermione." The boy said, "Of course it is going to be different but we'll deal with it, like always." He promised. "Besides, loads of people helped in the fight last year, I bet we won't get that much attention."

"Thank you Harry," She smiled sweetly and he grinned back at her.

"What do you think it'll be like?" One of the Weasley's asked, slowing down so that he could walk next to Harry and Hermione and participate in their conversation.

Ron took Hermione's hand and she squeezed his back softly.

After their kiss during the battle of Hogwarts, the two had decided to take their relationship a step further. During the Summer holidays, the pair had battled with their feelings for one and another in fear of excluding Harry from their friendship but eventually the Summer had ended and Ron had asked Hermione out just a week before the end of their time away from Hogwarts.

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