The Airport

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I packed my bags with the things I need for school and other survival stuff I need in my new apartment in Seoul. My parents were very proud of me and they told me that they will visit me once or twice a month. I have never done this before, leaving my family just to achieve my dreams. My dad drove us to the airport so that I could give them my last hugs and kisses before I set off.

" You can do this, make your family proud Hyuri," i said to myself in the car looking out the window seeing my beautiful neighborhood one last time.

We arrived at the airport and we still have 30 mins together before my flight arrives. We went to get breakfast since we didn't had any before sending me here. We ate and talked about how things are going to be so different without having me around the house.There was some silence for awhile but I broke it by asking about what are they going to do when i'm gone.

Finally it's time for me to go we gave each other hugs and kisses. I received some gifts to remind me of them and that they will always be there for me. I got on the plane, went to my seat and looked out of the window. I made a promise to myself that I won't regret this.

After 1 hour, I woke up from my sleep and looked out of the window. I'm almost there, 15 more mins to go then i'll have to find the apartment i just bought. The apartment is not too big nor too small, so i guess i will feel comfortable there.... I hope so.

I got out of the plane 15 mins later . I quickly called my friend to pick me up from the airport. Oh, yeah I have a childhood friend who used to live in Busan like me, but she had to move to Seoul because of her parents work.

"Hyuri~! It's nice to see you again ^-^" called Ryu as she gave me a hug.

" Yes Ryu, I'm glad to see you too. I'm sorry that I rejected your suggestion of staying with your family while i'm here, I just wanted to see if I could be responsible enough to have an apartment to myself. But you could stay over if you like I could get some company too :)".

" Alright , then you wont mind if I were to stay at you place for a few nights to help you get used to the neighborhood and the arts school ok? Now get in the car, I've got so much to tell you while your here" said Ryu.

Hi~ I'm kinda new to writing this so sorry if its horrible, short, cheesy or too long :)

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