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We have arrived at the front door of my apartment. I was really excited for this adventure to begin tomorrow. We went in and I was satisfied and surprised that the apartment I got was not that bad. We went to set up our stuff and ordered Chinese food for us too eat. Ryu brought me my school uniform from the arts academy and she gave me the paper that has all my classes in it. Thankfully Ryu and I are in the same class for most of them. She also gave me the books that I'll need during the classes.

"Thanks Ryu, your such a good friend. I'm glad that i have someone I know to guide me around here haha."

" No problem, It's good to help a friend of mine and its gonna be a great adventure for the both of us :)" said Ryu.

Ryu's POV

It's really great to see Hyuri again. I can't wait for her to meet Taehyung and Kairi I think they are going to be excited to see her. The door bell rang and I guess the Chinese food had arrived. "I'll go get it". I open the door and paid the delivery guy and take the Chinese food. "Hey Hyuri, the foods here if you don't mind I'll start without you. I'm really hungry"

" Yeah sure go ahead. Hey, do you think the students there will laugh at me wearing this uniform?" asked Hyuri

" Nope, why would they? Everyone wears the same uniform except for the boys cause they wear pants..."

" yeah i get that" said Hyuri.

We ate lunch and explored her neighborhood for the evening . It was fun because i got to know my old childhood friend better, my best-friend . We stopped by a theater and watched a movie since both of us have not been watching movies lately because of school.

The next day ~~~

Hyuri's POV

It's 6:00 am now i better get ready I don't want to be late for school. I woke Ryu up as i got out of the shower and i began to get ready. I packed my school bag and I grabbed 2 sandwiches from the fridge and heat it up. While waiting for the sandwiches to be heated up, I felt nervous and scared like, there were butterflies in my stomach. *beep,beep* Oh the sandwiches are ready. I packed one in my bag and the other one I gave it to Ryu.

"Hey, don't be nervous ok? It's gonna be fine plus, today the whole day you have the same class as me so you'll be able to see me all the time ^-^ And to make sure you make friends there, I have 2 of my best friends to meet you a boy and a girl " said Ryu trying to comfort me.

" Well i hope they'll like me :)" giving a thumbs up to Ryu.

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