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Hyuri's POV

I was waiting for Ryu and the 7 boys at the gate. Kairi was no where to be found I think I know why. Knowing that bangtan's fans are outside screaming and all over the corridors searching for taehyung and Kairi. I've waited for 5 mins already and class is starting soon. I checked my kakao talk in case if Ryu texted me something, nothing.

Hyu_riii: Ryu~~~~ where are you? Fans are all over the school!\(-___-;)/

Ry-ry: All over the SCHOOL?!?(◎_◎;)

Hyu_riii: YES! I'm outside near the gates waiting for you and the 7 boys to arrived. IT'S CHAOTIC HERE! and class is starting soon so be quick :[

Ry-ry: Oh ok I'm comin with the boys just get to class first you don't want to be late just because of us.(^_^;)

I quickly went to class and waited for Ryu there. I'm glad that I sit beside the windows so that I could SEE everything happening near the school entrance. I was about the look away from the window and take out my English books but a black limo caught my eye. The students were hitting on the limo while screaming. Geez, these are really hardcore fans. I look closely at the people coming out of the limo, It was the 7 boys and Ryu. Man, they sure know how to make an entrance.

Kairi's POV

I'm in the janitors closet, hiding from all the fans, trying to save my life. I don't get it I'm just dating TaeTae.......such hardcore fans. I peeked out of the door to see if there's still fans running around. I'm glad there were non. I ran straight to my English class and I was sooo~ so, so hapy to see Hyuri there. Lucky for me, English class doesn't have any bangtan fans. Let's just say they are not intrested in bangtan even though they know who they are, I'm glad that they are like that.

Me: HYURI-SSI!! *sighs * I'm so glad you're here.

Hyuri: YAH! Where have you been? I've been waiting down there for all of you to show up with a bunch of uncontrollable fans. They are really scary you know?

Student 1: SHHHHH. English class. Reading time.

Hyuri: Mianhaeyo...I-I uh mean sorry.

That was our class president for English. She takes it very serious, I'm not surprised but she's really good in English. Her name is Rose yeoni. Her name speaks it all, Rose is the English name that her late-mother gave her. Yeoni, is her korean name from her father. But soon her father left her with her aunt. It's sad but she wanted to get A's for every English exam she took for her late-mother.

Rose: Hyuri-ah, what is that commotion outside about?

Hyuri: Oh you know,

Rose&Hyuri: Bangtan fans.

They said in sync.I took out my English books and great timing, Miss Lily came in. She has to be the greatest teacher in the universe because she's the one who helped me, Ryu and bangtan in a lot of things. I soon forget about my problems I had this morning.

Lunch time

Hyuri's POV

It's lunch time and I'm on the rooftop with Kairi. We finished eating and headed to the auditorium. We were told to go there cause the principle announced it during lunch time for all students to go there. We found a seat and I sat beside Rose. She doesn't mind me sitting there at all as long as it's not a boy. I met her last week on wednesday and we are almost best friends. She speaks english fluently like she's born with it even though she told me that she was raised in a korean environment.

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