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"Wait Jack are you sure? Isn't that a bit far.." I say, worried about what will happen. "Can't they track the mail back to our house?" I say, afraid he'll get caught.
"Av, we've down pranks like this for years. We've got it covered." He said deviously.

He finishes closing the box as I roll my eyes at the disgusting smell. Were they smoking?

He puts a stamp on it as Sam starts shoving on his New Balances. He then throws Jack's shoes at him, and they start walking downstairs.

"Jack! Where are you going? Mom left you in charge!" I yell after him. "Avi, you're 15, not 5. You can watch the house for 20 minutes, can't you? Or are you that incompetent?" He says sarcastically as they walk out the door. I roll my eyes and go back into my room and plop on the bed.


"Avi!" I vaguely hear, waking me up. I check my phone, seeing it's already 6:50. I walk downstairs, seeing Jack and Sammy sitting at the table.

"Why does it smell like burnt cheese.." I ask cautiously, walking to the stove. "That's not cheese! We're making pasta." Sammy explains as I see the burnt mess they've made. "You know you put water in with the pasta.. right?" I say as I turn the stove off.

"You idiot!" I hear Jack yell. "Hey, I never claimed I was a chef."


After dinner, my mom sends me a quick text.

"hey love, I'm going to run home really quick to pack up some things for a week. Main doc asked me to come with him to help in Puerto Rico. I'll only be gone for a week. Please don't let anything crazy happen... I'm leaving you with Jack.. make sure he doesn't have any parties! I am leaving Jazzy with your dad... I think it's better if you don't have the responsibility of taking care of her on top of your schedule. I'll be back next Sunday... please behave. I love you!! I'll be home in 30 minutes, see you in a bit."

I let Jack know about the trip and how she will be home in 30 minutes, he is devastatingly so happy. Him and Sam already plan to have 3 parties.

"Jack, mom said no parties, you twat." He laughs as he looks me dead in the eye and glares at me. "Why don't you mind your own business and go to someone's house while we have our party. I don't think freshman are invited.." He says as he laughs and starts talking about what is gonna need to be done to pull it off.

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