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Winter break was approaching quickly, and so was the cold weather. We had already had two snow days, and it was only November. It was going to be a cold winter.

Jack had slept over at Johnson's for the rest of the weekend, so I ended up having to walk to school. I couldn't wait until I turned sixteen and got my license.

I pulled on some jeans and my coat, the bitter cold air hitting me in the face as I opened the door. Seeing my breath in the wind, I sighed and began walking to school.


I walked in the front doors of school, and I immediately saw Jack, as well as Sam, and the whole group. Sam's ex stood next to him, her petite body looking up at him as he laughed at something she said. Walking straight past them, I headed to my first period, Spanish—which I happened to share with Sam.

"Hey Av," He said, his palm swiping my desk as he walked to his seat. Ignoring him, I kept working on the daily warm up—stupid ones may I add—assigned this morning.  "Okay class," and with that, my day started.


Throughout every morning class, my head bobbed from falling asleep every once in a while. My eyes were heavy and I could barely stay awake.

"Avalon, what does X equal on number twenty four of the homework?" My geometry teacher asked, and my eyes shot wide open. I didn't even have my notebook out. "It's 56," a male voice whispered next to me, and I repeated what he said.

Looking to my left, a bleach blonde boy sat next to me. He smirked at my blush, having gotten there from the whole class looking at me whilst I stumbled for an answer. "Thank you," I whispered, and he nodded. "I'm Will," He mumbled back. "Avalon," as I spoke, the teacher glared at us. Will stifled his laughter, and that made me want to laugh.

Soon enough, the bell rang, and I walked out the door. Finally time for lunch.


I learned that Will and I have two classes other than geometry together. I had no idea how I had never noticed him—maybe it was the fact that I had always been daydreaming about Sam or taking notes furiously. Either way, I'm glad I found someone to talk to in my grade. 

At lunch, instead of sitting with Sam and Jack like I normally would, I sat with Will and his friends.

"This is Tricia, Daniel, and Peyton." Will introduced his friends, and I waved before introducing myself. The lunch wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be, but the burning stare at the back of my head I felt kept me distracted. I tried by best to ignore it and try to engage myself in whatever conversation Will and everyone else were conversing about, but I was to focused on not turning around to look at the eyes watching me like a hawk.

freshie // s.w ON HOLDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon