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I heard Jack downstairs, and Sam was still staring into my eyes.

"God, it's late." I heard Jack from downstairs, and Johnson snickered once again. "It's only 9:30," he informed Jack, and everything went quiet. "Where's Avalon?" Jack asked, and I wondered how he recognized it so quick.

"Stay here," I told Sammy, and he bit his lip, but did as told. Quickly going downstairs, I came up to the group. "Sammy just threw up all over our bathroom." I pretended to gag, and Jack groaned. "That nasty kid. I'm gonna kill him." He tried to start walking, but Johnson stopped him. "Bro, we're going to miss the whole party. Just leave him here. He can miss out if he wants to. New girl will be there..." Johnson tempted, and Jack gave in. "I'll be home later. Make sure that throw up is cleaned up by the time I'm back." Jack said, the whole group walking out with him.

Hearing the door click close, I let out a huff. Trudging up the stairs to meet with Sammy again, he wasn't where I had left him. Furrowing my eyebrows, I turned around, looking outside to see if he had walked out in the group.

"Av, in your room," I heard him call, and I sighed. Walking in, I found him sitting on the bed, no smirk or anything on his face. Just guilt.

"Sam, maybe we should just stop all of this, maybe we just shouldn't interact at all. Maybe this was stupid—maybe you should just go." I said, my hands moving with every word I said. I was panicked, and I didn't know what to do anymore.

"I'd agree, but you're worth too much for me to just give up on. I can't just forget you, Av. Trust me, I've tried." His words made my heart swell, but I couldn't look at him without falling deeper into his spell. "Come here," He whispered, and I couldn't help but fall into his arms again.

"We'll make it work, baby," He whispered, kissing my hair. Biting my lip, I just held onto him, letting myself bask in the moment.


Sammy had fallen asleep, and I was stuck in his embrace. We were watching Netflix, he was sitting up while I was sat up in between his legs.

The front door opened and slammed shut quickly. I assumed Jack was home. Along with Jack's voice, I could hear a girl's too.

"Mmm, Jacky," she moaned, and I gagged. Hearing his groan made me cover my ears, and his bedroom door slam. "Sam," I whispered, trying to wake him up. He stirred, but didn't wake up. "Sammy," I rubbed his shoulder, but still nothing other than soft moans from him—not from the other room.

"Avalon," he murmured, and my lips formed a straight line. "Baby, sleep with me," He whispered, and I almost gave in but the hitting of Jack's headboard on the wall made me want to puke. "Sam, we have to go."

"Why," He whined, pulling the sheets on top of himself. "Because Jack and the girl are..." I began, not being able to get it into words. "What is it Av?" Sam sat up, a worried look on his face. A moan came from across the room, and my hand covered my face. "They're doing it!" I whispered horrified, and Sam began laughing.

"Just let them do their thing! I'm tired, let me sleep. And you come over here and sleep with me. Not asking, I'm telling." He ordered, and I stumbled for words. "Ah, ah, ah, just close your pretty mouth and come here." He said, gripping my wrist and pulling me onto the bed. "Just let me have you right now." He said, moving over to give me room.

"Come on, sleep, just ignore them." He whispered, his hands playing with my hair. "You want me to ignore that? They're so loud!" I cried out, and Sam laughed harder. "Question is, how loud are you?" He said, and I gasped. "Sammy!" I slapped his shoulder and he giggled and grabbed my hands. "Don't forget who's in charge though," sternness was woven in his joke, but it sure made me shut up.

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