Chapter 1: Truth and Whatnot

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I frowned at the writing on my desk. Adam has been MIA for the past couple of months, looking for Mike's killer. The letter I received confirmed my suspicions, that he had fled to Russia, in an attempt to catch Angelique. I took the piece of paper, that was condemning my son to a lifetime in a Russian prison if I didn't get him home immediately, and crumbled it to little pieces. »Ygrette, call the pilot! We're going to Russia.«


The gun pushed deeper into my flesh, making me shiver. »If you scream, I pull, bitch!«

I slowly nodded in defeat, turning around to see my kidnapper. What I saw, shocked me. It was a girl of no more than twenty years with dirty strawberry blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and a heart shaped face not fitted for a killer. »How old are you, girl?« I asked the petite thing. She pierced me with her deep blue eyes. »I'm nineteen and you're dead if you ask me another question!«

I smirked, she was but a child in need of a little guidance. I turned on my heels, strutting towards the changing room. »Where do you think you're going?« I heard her call behind my back, panic in her voice. »Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to change from this heavy clothing into something more comfortable,« I threw at her over my shoulder. Without waiting for a response, I walked in the room they gave me before the show. It was really just an oversized closet, filled with props from my performance. I started undressing as the girl puffed in, glaring at me. »You shouldn't just prance around while I'm holding a gun at you!« She yelled, a blush slowly forming on her cheeks. I threw my hair over one shoulder, undoing the tight pink satin bra. »Well, are you just going to stand there, yelling at me and being unproductive or are you going to move your sexy little butt over here and help me with this hook?«

The surprise on her face told me everything. »Oh, you sweet thing. Tell me, what's wrong, why are you even here?« I sat down and patted an empty spot beside me for her to join. She slowly walked towards me, slipping beside the cold wall. Her eyelids closed and a small tear fell down her cheek. I leaned forward and brushed it away with my thumb. Her eyes opened wide in astonishment, looking at me. I glanced at the tear that stood on the tip of my thumb, leaned in and licked it off, all while looking at her.  She shrugged, the redness of her cheeks returning twice as hard as before. »You don't talk much, do you?« I teased her. »That's okay, I can talk for the both of us,« I smiled at her encouragingly.

»Now, what do you say, we take off this bra?« I chuckled, turning my back at her, waiting for a response. Suddenly, I felt her soft fingers run over my back. I shivered a bit because they were cold from the revolver she was still holding mere seconds ago. She unhooked my bra, helping me take it off, as I felt her freeze. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing her blush yet again. The sweet thing was probably confused. I leaned in, took her chin between my fingers and gave her a light peck on the lips. »Less staring, more working,« I grinned and stood up. I moved my hips around as I walked to the clothes rack, pulling out a long white shirt. I slowly put it on, wanting for the girl to bask in the glory that is me. Why should I deprive her of my perfection, when she obviously wants me!

I shook my head, seeing that she was saying something I didn't catch. »Sorry, sweetie. I didn't catch that, what did you say?« She seemed so small and vulnerable, sitting there, hugging her knees by the wall.

She sighed and softly whispered.»I said that my name is Angelique.«

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