Chapter 3: Next Day

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I was starting to worry because he didn't show up for a long time. Maybe he got bored of me and decided to take the back entrance and bolt. I slouched in my chair, thinking of all the possible scenarios, when I heard a police siren. They were quite common in Russia but this one was way too close for comfort. Maybe he got mugged as he was climbing through the back entrance!

A sharp knock on the glass door woke me from my thoughts and as I looked over, I saw a police officer standing at the entrance. He waved a badge at me, gesturing for me to open the door. I slowly stood up and walked over. »Can I help you?« I asked the heavily bearded man. »Dobryy vecher , miss. My poluchili anonimnyy zvonok ob ubiystve . Mogu ya zadat' vam paru voprosov ?« He replied, leaving me dumbfounded. »I'm sorry, officer, I don't speak Russian very well,« I said, shrugging my shoulders. He seemed to understand my dilemma and tried his best at talking to me in English. »Ve receive anonymous call of murder. I ask you questions?« He said, making me feel like shit for not knowing Russian all that well. »Sure, umm. Well, I've been here with Adam practically the whole night. I haven't really heard any noises just a couple of cats, outside by the trash,« I slowly explained to him, hoping he would understand. »This Adam, vhere he at?« He asked while writing something in his little pad. »He went to the loo, officer. He should literally be back in a couple of seconds,« As I said it, I heard loud footsteps.

»Hey, Debby, you're all out of towels!« He said loudly, making my head turn around. I smiled in his direction and shifted my attention back to the other person. »I told you he was just taking a piss, officer.«

Adam walked up to us and put his hand on my hip. I shrugged a bit, sensing sparks where our skin met. Was it something more or was I just fucking horny as hell? »Is something wrong officer?« He asked him, tightening the grip on my hip. God, it felt so right. The officer seemed to shift his weight around, not really knowing what he should do with himself. »No. All okay, you has good night, yesz?« He said, turning on his heels and walking out of the cafe.

Even after he left, Adam's hand was still lightly placed on my bare skin. I knew this was wrong but I didn't want to break contact. I shifted a little, stepping closer to him, trying to melt in his self. »You okay?« He asked me, softly running his fingers up and down my back. God, it felt so good! I swiftly nodded, trying not to moan from the pleasure of his touch. 

His fingers started trailing higher and higher up my spine, feeling like little butterfly kisses all over my skin. His head turned downwards as he shifted his gaze upon my neck. He gently leaned in and pressed his soft, plump lips on my collarbone, making me shiver. I felt him smile against my skin, as his lips started travelling over my neck, exploring every nook and cranny he could find, until he reached my soft spot. I couldn't contain it in me anymore and so I let a soft moan escape my lips. At that point he seemed to stop and reposition himself. I yearned for more but he brushed my cheek with the back of his hand and whispered softly. »Goodnight, Deborah.«

With that he turned his back to me, leaving me bewildered, standing in the middle of an empty diner.


The soft feeling of silk pillows made me want to stay in bed forever. I turned around and saw the girl lying there, looking so peaceful with her eyes closed. I was about to get out of bed and go make us some breakfast, when my sister stormed in all high and mighty.

»What the fuck, Stazie?!« She yelled at me in one of her usual hissy fits, »Dad said that you're getting the house in the will, what's up with that? Who'd you screw this time?« I sadly smiled at her, Ashja wasn't the smartest when it came to making sound decisions. »I'm his daughter, Ashja, and you're just a dead woman's daughter, who he's taking care of. Face it, you don't have any authority in this house.«

Her face broke when I told her that. It was true but painful to hear somebody close to you tell you that you're nothing. A nobody.

The sad truth is, her father died in a war a long time ago and her mother charmed my dad into marrying her. They had a couple of nice years but then she died, leaving Ashja in his care. He didn't want to stain the memory of her mother, so he spoiled her, leading to her belief that she would get something in the will. Poor, naive little girl.

Her blond hair whooshed behind her as she stormed to my king-sized bed, pulling the covers off of Angelique. »And who the fuck might this be?!« She whined, stomping her foot at the same time. »That, my dear, clueless sister, is what a woman looks like. Don't worry, you might look like that someday, if your boobs ever decide to grow,« I spit at her nastily. She had no business asking me these sort of questions.

Angelique woke up, opening her eyes wide in astonishment. »Stazie, what's going on?« She asked me, lowering her voice, so that my sister wouldn't hear her. »This, my dear butterfly, is a very special species, called my half-sister, who was just leaving!« I moved my attention to Ashja, giving her a death glare. »Fine, I'll go,« She said, »But don't think this conversation is over. Far from it.«

After she was gone, I turned to Angelique, smiling brightly at her. »Now, where were we, dear?«


Now, I know this was a bit of a snooze of a chapter but bare with me, more action is coming.

There'll be fights, blood, love, hate, some sex and some betrayal.

The story is just starting to get interesting!

So, if you haven't already, VOTE, COMMENT or FOLLOW.

Thanks for supporting me in my quest for greatness, y'all! xD

P.S.: I'm starting a new story, also with a boyxboy genre, called TRUTH OR CARE. I hope I'll be able to post the first chapter during this week, but because I'll be working on both stories, the chapters will be getting in a little slower than usual (so about every 2-3 days). Thanks for understanding. :*

Love ya, munchkins. Ta ta <3

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