Chapter 5: Stark Naked

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I was pacing up and down my flat, nervously waiting for Adam to come. I could still feel his hot breath on my cheeks and his sensous goodbye. But the thing that made me nervous was his asking me out the following day.



God among humans. Chiseled masterpiece. The object of my dreams, for the last couple of days, had asked me out.

No wonder I was nervous, what if I make a fool of myself and embarrass him? Oh, dear lord, I couldn't bear that.

Absent-mindedly, I started biting my nails, accidentaly drawing blood. »Fuck.« I ran to the kitchen, looking for a tissue but I could find none anywhere. »Great, now I'll look like Frankenstein's wife.« I muttered under my breath, cursing all the while.

I decided to try and wash the blood away, hoping the wound would close. I opened the tap, letting the cool feeling of water drench my open wound. At that moment, there was a knock at the door. That couldn't be him, right? We still had half an hour until our date.

I walked over to the door, thinking it was probably one of my annoying neighbours. The door flung open on it's hinges, revealing Adam. His face grew wide with a grin, revealing his gorgeous white teeth. »Hello, Deborah. I'm sorry for being a little early, I guess I'm just really nervous.« I gaped at him. Him, nervous?


»Um, Adam, don't feel offended or anything but what would you have to be nervous about?« I asked him, expecting for him to say he was just tring to make me feel better or something. His eyes widened in surprise. »How couldn't I be nervous, Deborah, look at you. You're gorgeous!« I gave him a shy half-smile, remembering I was still wearing my work clothes. »Shit.« I mumbled under my breath, turning around to escape to the bathroom and wash off the paint stains from my skin. Then, a strong arm caught me before I could move any further. »Don't you dare change, missy,« He growled into my ear, making me quiver, "I love how the paint makes you look vibrant and alive." He kept on stroking my hair and lightly breathing into my ear, making my knees buckle.

What was it about him that made me lose control so quickly?

Smart. Check

Good looking. Check

Abs. Check

Adorable smile. Check

Confident. Check

Abs. Check

Did I say abs already? Well, abs. Double check!

I smiled to myself, knowing that he would think I was insane if he knew half the stuff that danced around in my head. After all, I was my mothers daughter. My thoughts darkened at the memory of her, trying to push the nightmares away. I frowned, not wanting Adam to know about my past. Not yet, anyway.

His hands started wandering about, touching me, feeling me. Dancing on my skin, leaving behind only aching pain of my need for him. »Hey Deborah,« He murmured sweetly, turning into my side, »Will you paint me?«


I cleared my throat. He wanted me to paint him. In my flat. Naked.

Fuck. A. Duck.

»Uhm. Sure, I mean… Yeah, no –khm- problem.« I mouthed nervously, making him chuckle. »Please don't be weirded out, Debby. If you don't want to, we can just go out on a nice dinner.« I saw his eyes glisten as he was calculating what I would say. Well, what could be a harm in one picture. Right?

I shook my head at him. »No, stay. I-I'll paint you, Adam.« I said, my lips trembling at the idea of seeing him completely stark naked. Bonkers!

He smirked, making me realise this was what he had planned for our evening all along. Wasn't he a smart, cocky son of a gun?


»Uhm. Sure, I mean… Yeah, no –khm- problem.« She mouthed nervously, making me chuckle. »Please don't be weirded out, Debby. If you don't want to, we can just go out on a nice dinner.« I said, my eyes glistening. Just say yes, Deborah. I need you to say yes. If you don't, then my plans go bye-bye!

She shook her head, making me squirm for a brief second. »No, stay. I-I'll paint you, Adam.« She said, her lips trembling at the idea of seeing me naked. Yes! I mentally high fived myself. I had her now, she won't be able to resist me and my plans will finally kick into gear.

I smirked, probably making her realise this is what I had been planning all along. I must say, she is a smart girl. Naive but smart none the less.

I think I will enjoy playing with her.


I led Adam to my studio, which was really just an emtpy flat across the hall. When the old lady living there died, I immediately grabbed the chance of purchasing it for my evergrowing art. And now, even that place was becoming too small. I couldn't help it, I always drew. When I was nervous, angry, happy, frustrated, sad, depressed, extatic. It was my life and I could never part with any of my paintings.

I motioned for Adam to sit on a stool in the middle of my working space. He obliged, starting to take off his shirt but I rudely interrupted him. I don't know if I could have even drawn a line if he were to take off his clothes. »Don't. First I have to sketch your facial features.« I quickly added, seeing he needed to think about it. After a while, he put his shirt down and grinned. »You want my good side or my better side?«


Yay! Another chapter is out :D

As you might have noticed, I'm not posting the story as frequently as I used to, the reason is I am super busy and Truth or Care is taking me a lot of time because I want everything to be perfect for you guys!

The next chapter will focus on Angie and her new relationships with Anastazia's family. And don't worry, she is still her evil self and Adam will get his revenge. Eventually.

And I bet you can't guess what Debby has to do with his plans! You know why? Cuz I don't either! MUAHAHAHAHAHHA XD

Please, comment, vote and FOLLOW me even if you didn't like this chapter. I know it's super short and super boring, but it bears meaning for the next time we see Adam and Debby, probably with a lot less clothes on 3:)

Love y'all sexy faces, see ya next time!

Ta ta!<3

SASSY [girlxgirl] *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now