Chapter 7: Afterthought

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few weeks later


I stared into the lake, watching as something from below rippled its surface, and tried to think about nothing.

And by now, unwanted thoughts were starting to creep up on me again. I turned my mind to his movements, to his soft porcelain skin, to the almost finished painting, all the while trying to fight off the inevitable.

As always, though, I failed, and had to land before I fell in the endless pit of lust and passion.

Standing by the lakeside, phone in my hand, trainers sinking softly into the muddy ground and dress clinging cold and wet against my skin, I stared intently into the darkening sky and tried desperately to think about nothing.

I had often wondered why such disastrous events inevitably seemed to occur when I was involved. Oh admittedly, this particular disaster hadn't been my fault, or even directly related to me. In fact, this time, I'd actually managed to prevent it from becoming a much bigger, more tragic event, amazingly.

I half smiled at that thought. When did I become so pathetically girly?

I wondered vaguely if it made me a horrible person to be thinking these things. Probably, but I didn't much care at that moment.

All I knew was, that I cared for Adam deeply and his constant switching of emotions made me wonder if I had picked the right man. One moment he was as sweet as that first time I met him in the coffee shop all those weeks ago, there was this lustful side which wanted to fuck me senseless, and on the other hand he was as cold as can be. He was distant, snappy, avoided my questions, rarely talked of his past and he had nightmares. I was afraid to tell him but sometimes, when he slept over, I would wake up because of the bruises he had left on my skin, grabbing at me desperately, screaming only one word. A name - Mike.

Who was he?

Was he his brother?


Best friend?

All I came up with was he had lost a special person in his life and he needed someone to make it better, so I stuck by him. I never asked him any questions, I tried to make him feel better about himself, to open up to me. But all it did was close him up more. I could see in his eyes that he knew something was going on and I can't possibly let him destroy what we have. I have to confront him. I have to tell him how I feel.

I have to let him know, that I am ready. Ready for the truth.

As much as it hurts.

As much as it bruises.

As much as it bleeds.

I am ready.

»I'm ready, Adam.« I whispered into the wind, as it blew in my face.

The wind didn't matter, nor did the rain which had drenched my clothes. I felt nothing as the realisation hit me. I smiled, knowing full well, that I truly was ready.

I looked up, across the mountains, watching a lone eagle surf the wind as he had no care in the world. I laughed out loud at his joyous scream. He was free, he had no troubles, no problems, nothing. Just the clear blue sky and a future.

»I'm ready!«


Quietly, I stripped off the ruined clothes I was wearing, exchanging them for warm, dry pyjamas that had never before felt so comfortable. Exhausted, I all but collapsed into the welcoming bed, discarding my dog-tags on the bedside table and awkwardly tugging the sheets over me, too tired to sit up and do it properly.

It was only then, as I lay for long minutes face-first in the pillow, craving sleep and blissful unawareness, that it slowly dawned on me that I was restless.

How I even had the energy left to be restless was beyond me, but nevertheless, my thoughts refused to settle. They spun chaotically, anxiousness and anger stirring distantly in the pit of my stomach.

And at the forefront of my mind was Mike.

I remembered his laughter, the sparkle in his eyes, his energy, his love,… You love me too, Adam, don't you?

»God damn it!« I yelled, tugging at my eyes, angrily drying off the tears that wouldn't stop gushing out of my eyes. I tilted my head towards the ceiling. »Why Mike?! Why did you have to leave me? Can't you see I'm in pain.« So much pain.

It hurts to even think about him. I feel like my heart is about to explode, leaving nothing behind. Just a shell of a shadow of once happy man. Man that had his soul torn apart.

I have been ripped from my train of thought by the door bell. I slipped out of the bed, looking at the time. »Fuck, it's 3 in the morning.« The nightmares are becoming more and more frequent.

I can't sleep after I wake up, watching Mike's death repeat in my brain over and over again. I don't know how to get rid of the memories so I run. I always run, trying to escape the shadows of my past that keep engulfing me in their rage.

Soon, I will be no more.

»Yeah, yeah!« I yell, ensuring the person on the other side that I heard them. The key turns in the lock, as I open the door, revealing Deborah. »Hey, Debby. It's 3 o'clock in the morning. What are you doing here?«

On top of everything, I have to deal with her. If she only knew. There is only one person for me and that person is dead. Now all I have in my heart is sorrow and regret. I have no more love to give. Not to her, not to anyone.

She only smiled at me, tilting her neck, making streaks of white hair fall over her eyes. I think something is wrong with her. She is usually so carefree. Most of the time she jumps around my neck, hugging me, showering me with kisses. Not that I hate this side of her but I got used to the oversharing Debby.

»Adam, we need to talk.«


I know I'm a ISH for leaving you at such a cliffhanger!

What are they gonna talk about?

Is Adam going to tell her the truth?

Will Debby break up with him?

Will she forgive him and mend his broken heart?

How about Angie and Stazie, what do you think their future holds?



LOVE YA TOO, MUNCHKINS! --> SEE, I'm yelling, aren't I?! xD

Okay, see ya next time :*

Ta ta!<3

P.S.: Uh, just a quick heads up. There WILL be a sex scene in one of the future chapters...................................................Just saying............................................................Like if you're interested. Or something..............................................................................................................................

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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