Chapter 6: Secrets All Around

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I turned around and screamed from the top of my lungs.

»I suggest that you do not scream if you value your life,« Came from the mouth of a man standing in front of my quivering body. »Wh-Who are you?« I asked him, scared out of my mind.

The tall man smirked, turning around and walking to the big wooden desk. As he moved around the room, I could appreciate his finely defined muscles which are hard to achieve at a man of such age. I slightly gasped, realizing this was probably Anastazia's father. He lifted his gaze, realising I was still in the room. »Please, Angelique, sit down.« He pointed to a chair, stanced directly across his.

I didn't really see any other choice, so I gently sat down as far from him as possible. If he doesn't see me as a value, he will probably dispose of me. I cleared my throat, looking at anything else except for him. I could feel his eyes gaping holes in the back of my head, thinking. I think.

I brought up some courage. »Hmph… Sir, how do you know who I am?« He crossed his legs, still looking at me, drilling blazing holes in my body. »Well, dear, how does a mother know her daughter? How does a man know when to ask a girl on a date? How does Sun know when to rise?« He kept staring at me, expecting me to answer. He sighed, rubbing his eyes. »I have connections, dear. Everybody has connections. Planets, stars, animals, plants, humans, me.

I couldn't help but notice he exlcuded himself from humans. Well, that only furthers my belief that he is invincible.

As time passed by, sweat trickled down my neck and back, and I twisted my head jerkily to one side as if trying to shake off a twitch. Nevertheless, the man whirled away from staring at me yet again, snarling. »Do not disrespect me by not opening your mouth child, talk!« Shakily, I wiped my face with the back of my hand, brushing away the tears I'd already shed. It took an effort to force myself to turn around and walk to the table, dropping to my knees before his chair and reaching out a trembling hand toward him. »Forgive me, sir. I-I'm frightened.« He tutted disdainfully, shaking his head at my statement. »Do not mock me by lying. I know how to read people all to well. Tell me the truth or suffer the consequences!«

Time slowed down. Ahead of me, the man's eyes flared with cold fire, coming ever closer. Everything in my body urged me to run, to escape, to do something – but I couldn't. Couldn't move, couldn't breathe. I was going to die. Oh God, I was going to die – killed by that monstrous excuse for man!

He raised his brow, expecting me to say something. But how could I, when I was faced with only one end goal. Death. Mine or his. It doesn't matter. One of us shall die before we part ways!

»I need protection.« I said, lifting my chin up. If I was going to die, I will die with a shred of pride still left in me. I shifted unconfortably, waiting for his response.

»You speak the truth. Of that I am certain. I only wonder who it is you need protection from. Is it from yourself or another?« Damn, he was observant. »I made some mistakes in my past. I would rather not pay for them with my life.« He nodded, shifting in his chair. He stared at his desk over steepled fingers, a frown forming between his silvery brows. They were nicely shaped for a man of his built. So not only was he dangerous and rich, he also had a style for fashion, which his tasteful Armani jacket only confirmed.

Finally, he looked up again, meeting my gaze. »By telling the truth you have saved yourself from a painful death. But that doesn't mean you are excused from my presence,« He stood up, buttoning his jacket in the process. »I expect you to sleep in one of the guest rooms this time, dear. And I believe I shall see you tomorrow for a private dinner, yes?« I gulped, clearly knowing that wasn't a question. »Yes.« I answered, my voice faltering in the process.

He nodded, walking off to a door. »Please, after you. We wouldn't want you to wander the halls of this mansion all alone, now would we?« My stare briefly fluttered, making him smirk. "Good. I am glad we understand each other. Now go to bed, my dear. You've had a tiring night."

I slowly started walking. Oh God, did he know?

»Oh, and dear?« I hastily turned around, expecting a gun or a knife or a huge grizzly bear at his side. »Do not mistake my hospitality for something more or you might find yourself in a peculiar state from which not even my daughter can derive you. Are we clear?«

My knees buckled from the power of his tone. »Yes, we're clear Mr. Dimitrov.« I was ready to turn around when he chuckled. »Mr. Dimitrov. That makes me sound so old! You better come up with a better nickname. You have until tomorrow. Goodnight, dear.« He turned on his heels, marching off to the other wing of the mansion.

What a strange, strange man.


Ello lovelies!

I know it's been quite a while since I've last written this little booksie but, I am out of my writters block and I already have concepts for two or three new chapters which will come out next week because I'm going on a holiday :P

Hope you can forgive my tardiness :D

VOTE, COMMENTS, FOLLOW my sexy ass because I'm worth it! *cough* Narcisistic much. *cough*

Haha!xD <-- laughing at my own jokes, because I'm sooo funny!... *whispers* and forever alone!

Okay, I'm gonna go eat. Cuz food loves me and I love food. Think I'm gonna propose....................

Which do you prefer, Miss. Junk Food or Miss. Healthy? :P

See y'all munchkins next time.

Ta ta!<3

SASSY [girlxgirl] *ON HOLD*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें