"Smoke & Mirrors'' Spell

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You will need the following items for this spell:

A black candle
A candleholder
A mirror
Citrus, eucalyptus, or cinnamon incense
An incense holder

Who were you in a past lifetime? This spell awakens your inner sight and helps you travel back in time.

Best times to perform this spell:

During the new moon
When the sun or moon is in Scorpio or Pisces
On Mondays
1. Set the candle and incense (in their holders) on a surface in front of a mirror and light them. Turn off other forms of illumination.

2. As the candlelight flickers and the smoke swirls in front of the mirror, gaze at your reflection. Say aloud:

Shadow and light

expand my sight.

Open a door

To a time before

And let me see

A different me.

3. Continue looking at your reflection for as long as you like, while your mind drifts back in time. Notice changes in your expression, features, coloring, etc. Pay attention to impressions, emotions, or thoughts that arise, too. Dont censor yourselfsometimes strange ideas can be clues to a past personality.

4. When youve finished, extinguish the candle and write down your experiences.

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