hair growth potion

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You will need the following items for this spell:



Hair of somebody with longer hair

Your hair

Marker color the same as hair


A tiny bit of egg yolk




Wooden mixing spoon

Take the bucket and put in one cup of water. Squirt in conditioner and shampoo. Put in the egg yolk. Drop in the hairs. Dip the tip of the marker into the water and let the ink dye the water. Sprinkle in the glitter. Mix this. Now, say the following 3x:

''Goddess of beauty, transform my hair

Let it flow long beyond compare.

My hair now is (hair color), yes

It is so short, looks like a mess.

Shall it will grow long

Shall should it be strong

Should my hair be (adjective, example curly)

Should shall it be

Good thoughts of long hair

Flowing freely.

Goddess of beauty,

Transform my hair.

I have said my plea,

So mote it be!''

Side effects:

Losing your short hair and long hair growing in its place

Head hurting

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