Magical Fish

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Instructions :

Sit down cross-legged

Take a book and a pen

Write in the book :

"Goddess of Mythical Fish, turn me to a fish. Long snout I have, gills I breathe! No ears to hear! Soft and slim body spinning in water! Thanks I give to you goddess! So mote it be!"

Visualise you're changing while saying the chant.

And then take a bath and put a lotion into your forehead. Make it circle!

Don't clean your fore-head and go to sleep.

The days after this, your body will have weird sensation


Your body is shaking and feeling weird

Headache, Low-hearing, Feeling not to breathe

Can hold and breathe underwater longer

Hard to move hands and legs cause it will grows fins

Your nose is combined with your mouth and your mouth become longer and longer

Your neck hurts and become longer

Your neck will grow gills, in your side grows fins, a tail, and scales

Your eyes will be clearer and bigger

Eye color change

Second : Dragon

Instruction :

? First pu

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