Dictionary H-R

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Hand Fasting: A Pagan wedding.

Herbalism: Art of using herbs to facilitate human needs both magickally and medicinally.

Higher Self: That part of us which connects our corporeal minds to the Collective Unconscious and with the divine knowledge of the universe.

Hiving Off: This term is used for a small coven which splits off from a larger one. Sometimes this is done to keep the gatherings of a manageable size, other times covens split over philosophical differences.

Horned God: One of the most prevalent God-images in Paganism. NOT Satan or the Devil!

Initiation: A process whereby an individual is introduced or admitted into a coven. Usually a ritual occasion. Not to be confused with dedication.

Incense: Ritual burning of herbs, oils, or other aromatic items to scent the air during acts of magick and ritual, and to better help the witch attune to the goal of the working.

Invocation: To bring something in from without.

Jew-itch: Name coined by some Pagans of Jewish origin who are actively seeking out the pagan roots of their birth religion.

Karma: The belief that one's thoughts and deeds can either be counted against them or added to their spiritual path across several life times.

Kabbala: Mystical teaching from the Jewish-Gnostic tradition. Ceremonial Magick and the Alexandrian traditions are based in these teachings. Also, Qabala.

Labrys: A double-headed ax which symbolizes the Goddess in Her Lunar aspect. Has roots in ancient Crete.

Left-Hand Path: Refers to the practice of using magick to control others, to change the will of others, for personal gain. Generally frowned upon by true Wiccans and Witch's. Dark Magick.

Libation: Ritually given portion of food or drink to a deity, nature spirit, or ghost.

Macrocosm: The world around us.

Magick: The projection of natural energies (such as personal power) to being about needed change. Energy exists in all things: us, plants, stones, colors, sounds, movements, words. Magick is the process of raising this energy, giving it purpose, and releasing it. Magick is a natural, not supernatural, practice, but is little understood. Magick is neither black nor white. It simply is. What the magician decides to do with the magick is another matter.

Magick Circle: A sphere constructed of personal power in which rituals are usually performed. Within it the witch is protected from outside forces. The sphere extends both above and below the surface of the ground.

Magickal System: The basic set of guidelines relating to the worship of specific Gods and Goddesses or cultural traditions.

Male Mysteries: Pagan study which attempts to reclaim the power and mystery of the old Gods for today's Pagan males.

Matrifocal: Term used to denote pre-patriarchal life when family clans centered around and lived near or on clan matriarch.

May Pole: Sexual symbol of Beltane representing the phallus.

Meditation: Reflection, contemplation- turning inward toward the self, or outward toward Deity or nature. A quiet time in which the practitioner may either dwell upon particular thoughts or symbols, or allow them to come unbidden.

Megalith: A huge stone monument or structure. Stonehenge is the best-known example of a megalith.

Menhir: A huge stone probably erected by early peoples for religious, spiritual, or magickal reasons.

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