cheetah cub

6K 91 28

1. Go to quiet, alone place.

2. Sit down cross-legged and close your eyes.

3. Imagine yourself, as you run at a fast pace, what you look like, etc.

4. Once done, open your eyes and say spell. (Use amount written above)



Goddess of cats,

Bast, hear me now.

My wish is simple,

I wish to be a CHEETAH CUB!

As I age as a human,

I shall age as a cheetah.

Human to cheetah,

Cheetah to human at will.

I ask of you for the color of my fur,

Brown with black spots please.

For my fur to be extra fluffy and cute,

This is also my wish.

My eye color shall change as I change,

To the color of yellow.

My speed will be fast,

Reaching up to 100 kilometers per hour.

My special power to be,

Shall be an ability to speak English in cheetah form.

My first changing and powers shall come in 8 days time,

The exact time of now.

Bast, goddess of cats,

Please grant this wish of mine.

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