The Competition Collection

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 This will become a new challenge for me to rediscover. Firstly how to edit  my poetry so it is more reader friendly and secondlt how  to group poems for manuscripts. I believe my grouping of poetry needs to be linked not just as dates but more the subject. I will be moving eCH POEM BACK TO THE TODAY I Will Be  Back to its original group where I first posted them and then this will be deleted to make way for new poems I am writing and taking more time to edit.


A Collection of daily poems from the

Month of December 2012.







The explanation of this entry is what follows are the poems that originally belonged to the Today I will Be Collection. They will be posted here for a short time so those that are mentioned can review each poem that I have mentioned by name to be in agreement of this mentioning. ( I hope that sound right?) As these poems are intended to be for a major competition I will be including each persons website details so even if I do not get picked as a winner those that do read these poems , the "Judges" can  and are invited to visit those people's wattpad site and hopefully become a followers.  :~))))

The intended competition is closing on the 22nd of this month of July and will finish in August when my home city has its Poetry Festival, therefore, this collection will only be up for a short time and then removed as per competition rules.  After the finish of the competition I will be returning them all to the orginal pages of "Today I will Be".  


The Competition CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now