17.12.2012 On the Lighter side

26 6 8

 Dedicated to OwensMartin a Wattpad Critic/Poet and Writer

Laugh out loud,


The first and only text language,

I want to know,

Or recognise, as legalized

Language of this sort.

Why, change a language, to numbers?

Just to be quick, and oh so cool.

4 four is now for, just 4U

And 8 eight, is now ate

When mixed with H8,

becomes that negative word,

which really doesn't belong

in poetry, or any high brewed

bow tied, formal language of any society.

Alright now am I the word Snob.

But really, I must reiterate....

how can this language rhyme,

And describe the sublime?

How can it find beauty of its word?

With all but the letters displayed?

How can it sing and play?

How can it carry a reader along,

Into this beautiful poetic world?

to me it just seem all wrong.

Oh Poetry,

Here we can find the be- witch -ness

of metaphors and thesaurus words

which give the language richness ,

with pictures, yes imagery of beauty

that only can be described

in poetry,

Our  souls here find  meaning, our spiritual reality.

and humanities collective emotionality appealed

we can't devolve with just letters to describe.....really?

OMG ner lt com 2this.

4 I wb so :~((((

a bit like short hand!

there it is  now I see


still it hurts my eyes and brain cells

so much so that I want to scream

except, I wouldn't  I will grin, well

I will just....... LOL:~))))

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