18.12.2012 A New Story

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Dedicated to The Children of This World  

We talk about hope for humanity,

an escape from this calamity.

Worldwide destruction and fear,

how do we judge ourselves?

If ever there was a time in our history,

where it was more important to change our apathy,

change our thinking, our believing,

that the only answer, is in destroying,

why have a religion that predicts that?

 why have weapons that give us that?

why have governments that strive for a bank?

why have rings on our hearts squeezing out very drop of blood?

With hate as the bondage of our minds.

How do I silence this continual why

this earth should accept, a new story now

and allow the future to have a say in what we do today.

when everyone has the right to belong,

and to live a long, fruitful life, without strife.

not just those who consider themselves chosen,

or given the gift of being born a better for all

and everyone else can fry in hell, 

well what is the real sense of that?

 just tell me please, who gave them the right to think,

they have the only gift to give this Earth, and all humanity

because they accept and believe

in a Paradise of only a few

to inherit this world, above everyone  else?

I am sorry but that isn't what I know?

Or what I wished to contemplate,

the guilt I would hold within my soul couldn't allow,

for me to belong at all to that final number

I would rather be a cucumber.*

 for I know that this world is a better place

with every race, and every creed,

just get rid of greed,

then you and I will see 

that this beautiful world  is really like

 imagine that, just imagine how  free.

this world could really be.

a poor child from a poor family,

may just be the genius that can 

bring an end to this Earth's suffering.

just as it once was said  back

in our past, that the God of love, actually slept,

and wept, and lived and died.

were he was said to give us all the answers.

then to come back, to judge and divide,

I see no love in that action, and the revelations

just don't sit right in my soul.

So my friends, I reject all that,

end of the world depressive crape,

that is just the fear trap, wide open again.

as every age down through history staged.

what we need is a new story,

not history repeated again, and again

but one that gives our children some hope,

that this world is theirs to inherit, and develop 

find what is the best in yourselves,

and draft a new reality,

a new dream for all to be,

yes give this Earth a new story.

and make the main theme,

be love and respect.

 *my answer to this rave. this rant, and display, of words that may bring a tear to your eye,

I would rather be a cucumber, than me! So turn the page my friend and read, something that will lighten your heart, and mine from the start.

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