12.12.2012 As I reflect on who I am Today

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  Dedicated to Sloanranger a Wattpad Poet


 I am not the hippie,

I don't wear flowers in my hair,

I don't take strange drugs,

just to see the diamonds in the sky,

or vibrant colours in the air.

So what am I?


 I am not part of the club,

I don't like rugby, or any football code,

I don't drink beer either,

nor do I live by any out dated law,

of eye for an eye.

So what am I?


 I am not new age,

I don't believe in alien second comings,

but I see the beauty of crystals,

and hold the rosy quartz 

as I thread it on a necklace to wear.

So what am I?


 No temple or church,

can make me feel


I no longer see " love"

belonging to any one organized religion.

So what am I?


 I still live and consume,

buying that mobile phone,

and tap away at a laptop,

posting poetry in a virtual world,

Still supporting the system,

of worldwide destruction,

still forgetting to recycle.

still wishing that my life

could be greener.

But I know what is right,

but I still, find that I,

can't afford the water tank,

or the solar panels,

because I live in a bracket,

of the lowest first world.

So what am I?


 I will take a walk in your shoes,

and see how it is to walk like you,

with the help of reality TV,

Is this what your life is really ?

I could never survive as you do.

So what am I?


I see that I still consume,

I still eat and throw,

much more than I need,

and I still buy all those electronic gadgets.

So what am I?


I still dream,

of living freely,

In a commune,

making jam, and playing music,

living like a hippie,

in the forest green.


I still see how happy,

sport culture makes people,

release tensions

of everyday distresses.

It just isn’t  how I wish it,

I find my own way to release,

un wanted feelings in a creative way.


I find love,

in every heart I touch,

and no church walls,

divide it for it is universal,

like “Blake the Poet'.


I am more new aged,

than I would like to admit,

I write about the power of the mind for goodness sake.


I still have no way of really knowing,

how the others live 

that are not as I am,

regardless what is screened

on the television screen.

Unless, I really listen and walk with thee.

whoever you may be,

within your world.

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