14.12.2012 Sometimes I feel a little sad, no I am Mad. *

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  • Dedicated to All those who lost loved ones to Violent Crimes

 Sometimes I feel upset,

I cry inside, about what others have said,

or done, I am not mad,

just needing to express, humanities,

inabilities, to be kind, to be really true,

to one’s own values.

Yes this makes me a little sad.

Then we see people rage,

with hate and destroy the innocent.

Like some rogue elephant,

this then makes me rage

against society and all that is wrong.

More than sad, I am mad.

All weapons should be banned,

humanity must progress to a different 

way of thinking, uplifting, not sinking

down into lower dimensions.

I wish I could sing a different song today,

One of joy and peace my friends,


how can we live a double life?

this can only cause more strife.

ignore the wrong, it will go away,


it will come back,

and give you more heartache,

more distress and no one can rest,

against the pillow at night, knowing

that somewhere in this humanities hell

we still have people, human beings like us, killing.

And I cry inside, more than sad.

Helpless I stand, unable to comprehend,

knowing that alone I am but a chocking, crying,

crazy human being, and become paranoid

thinking others will judge that I am insane,

thinking that I have no real right to ask,

for others to come and walk by my side

as I cry in this pain of cruelty,

as a mother cries, that was my son

you destroyed, and now I need 

some human kindness

to be expressed.

Oh no! I just heard the terrible news,

So I  empathetically

 reach out to you my friend,

as you crumble

incapable of being able to do anything.

for your sad, sad, heart is now broken.

Whatever I can do to give some

balance to this crazy world,

I will try to stand with thee.

I pray, I weep with you as

I share that pain in your heart,

now that pain I hold to my own heart with you

I feel, and try and be of some help.

Oh I wish I could be there,

and place my arm around your grieving. 

Know my friend you will again stand tall,

for you are strong, from all that you have been through

someone who just like you,

now wishes to give some light,

to this crazy world, 

what can be done to change just a little wrong.

even if  judged crazy mad deluded

about what they can do, to change

this cracked crazy world, 

this hell of a  stupid place.

We can no longer sit back and say,

we know what we must do,

and action is the only cure.

But for now dear friend, poet,

with a beautiful mind and heart though broken now

will be held up with all our prayers, and love.

sit back and allow your wounds to scar again.

strong you will be once again, Kristebella  (a Wattpad poet and writer)

Yes I am more than sad today.

more than sad, I am mad.

A tear comes to my eye, and the lump

grows in my throat, as I try and understand,

this crazy world, this stupid crazy world.

* This poem is dedicated to all who have lost loved ones to violent crimes. Peace love and freedom to you all and to this crazy world. A direct response to the instant news of the killing of innocent children in Newtown.

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