The Acknowledgements.

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The acknowledgement of all those that supported me within the online writing community must be mentioned, so I have listed their links for others to discover poetry of this age. Just as with other births of any new age, poetry in all its forms becomes the midwife to help with its development. In the age of modern times it was the cafés of Paris that became the place to share and develop many new concepts of all art forms. Today it is online communities that connect the world of artists for a truly unique sharing of culture.  What happens on Wattpad? True sharing of each-others work. When a poem is seen as something special we share the link with each other and refer that poem with everyone. Those comments are recorded with each poem and I will give you an example here, see below. These comments helped build my confidence, and allowed me to go the next step to enter this competition.


Poem1 ‘ Today I will Be’ dated 1.12.2012

Richard Higley ‘What a wonderful idea again you inspire me to explore my expectations. This is a wonder filled piece.’

Seasforme: ‘u have captured freedom of freedom. I love the line “I can allow my own freewill to free/ that spirit within”- I want to do that.’

Knightwriter: ‘ thank you for the dedication. It was unfortunate that the other version was lost. Happy to re-read this thoughtful piece, best wishes.’

Owen Martin ‘While I like this whole series a lot, this your mission statement, as it were exemplifies a lot of the “why”. The short stabbing lines and the seeming paradoxes combine elegantly with your subject matter, and the reference to Wattpad within your poetic context is great. It adds an element of self -consciousness to your language and a sense of relevance that most poems here don’t really have. Well done indeed.’

Personal explanation: this poem first appeared as a short story in its earliest existence before Wattpad. It was about a young woman finding herself as a poet and acting on it. All poets seem to come to this point in their writing life, the cross over from the private to the public. With me my cross over became complete with the postings of poems onto Wattpad in the month of December 2012.  Today this has been made easier for many poets to do this major step, because of the World Wide Web and online writing communities such as Wattpad.

Poem 2. I have replaced this poem because the original has been entered into a different competition. It has been replaced by a poem dedicated to William Blake.

The list that follows contains the web addresses of the poets that have associated with me, from the beginning on Wattpad. Also what poems have been dedicated to them within this collection.

 Today I will Be (p. 1- 4 ) (dedicated to Knightwriter Canada)

Child Waters (p. 6-9) (dedicated to a Wattpad Poet “seasforme” from Africa)

Richard Higley (USA) (The original Poem “Joy of Looking at the Stars” Dedicated to Richard has been entered into The Blake Competition.)

Now, it is time to Heal (dedicated to stridermarcusjones from UK)

A Dreamer (p.15-18)  ( Dedicated to Amuse-bouche* a Wattpad writer location not specified)

 The Story of Light’s Creation. (p. 19-22) Dedicated to CarolinaC

Haiku Moments: p 23/ 24( Dedicated to Cayena *a Wattpad poet) Not specified

Loose Shoelace Brain ( p25- 32 ) Dedicated to Seasofme, details same as Child Waters  )

Good Little Feelings (p.33/34) Dedicated to Cotton Jones a Wattpad Poet.) Canada

The Thinker  (p 35-37)Dedicated to Bill Temple a Wattpad poet. Canada

Remembering the Child I once was.  P 38 Dedicated to poetryandpeace  a Wattpad poet from New Zealand. 

As I reflect on who I am Today( 39- 42)  Dedicated to Sloanranger a Wattpad Poet/Writer  UK

Australian Seasonal Understanding  (p43 )Wattpad Poet Gail Runschke  Canada ( formally from Australia)

Giving Hope  ( P 49- 51) Dedicated Krista Candela USA

On the Lighter side (p 55-56 )Dedicated to OwensMartin a Wattpad Critic/Poet and Writer

I would rather be a Cucumber (P61-63) Dedicated to Knightwriter ,as this poem is a response to one of her poems called Celery and world peace

The Rainbow ( P 64) Dedicated to David Mercia UK

Where are the Presents?  (P 66-69) Dedicated to a Wattpad Writer/ Reader/ Poet. AlexPaul1 Britain 

Just Memories  (p 71-73) Dedicated to a Wattpad Poet OjarSeagull    

The Ending and The New Beginning. (P 86-87) Dedicated to Strongheart* Poet

Not mentioned

Other Poets and Writers I have Dedicated works to but are not mentioned here within this collection:

Rome NY

 Chicargo Area  Writer Mentioned in poem 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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