27.12.2012 My Response to Cavafy

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  • Dedicated to Cavafy the Alexandarian Poet

Regardless where you lean, Cavafy left or right, up or down

inside out or round about. Your poetry, still leaves you better understood.

And still leaves me with a message of tolerance.

For you have taught me to  remember you as a gentle soul.

Whom I know and understand.

Not confused, but realize the right for your  lovers embrace not being debased.

Not to be belittled in anyway.

Better to be loved, as deeply as you describe,

 Better to know and understand, yourself as well as you.

Than live a life with the hell of guilt.

Of shame with degrading religious rules that only hurt,

discriminate, again and again.

Morals turned inside out, and hide in shame

So to refrain from your natural incline.

No better for you to know the love you can demonstrate

than not to be loved at all.

And turn into a twisted bitter heap that  no one can recognize.

That ball of hate.

You found your inner self

And, there, you found your freedom, too.

So now I accept you for who you are.

And as for me?  I know who I am.

Yes I know my arms and heart  found the love you describe

within the arms of my man.

Another poet that I was introduced  by my Husband Cavafy http://www.cavafy.com/poems/content.asp?cat=1&id=74

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