31.12.2012 The Ending and The New Beginning.

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 Dedicated to Strongheart*

As this world turns,

It is just us who measures,

time as a calendar of dates.

No symbols to explain, lost pleasures

and pain, the loves and hates.

Ending one day beginning another

one year goes,  then comes the other.

Time redefined, now for  our Western thought.

For the Chinese our eastern brothers

it still is the year of the Dragon.

And that ancient Mayan calendar,

heralds a new age, with

that old song sung,

of that time of water rule.

The age of Aquarius more ancient still

echoes within my mind. But still

Just a New age belief.

Older civilizations just redefined.

But this night, across our globe

Fireworks explode.

Time to celebrate, 

Time to wish our world 

Peace, Shalom, just two

Little words that mean the same.

Find this web page,

and there read one hundred and forty five ways 

to wish our world,  PEACE.

Peace , Not War! for all our coming days.


There for ever be embedded within 

This simple poem, just for the simple wish

A new beginning.

In every language of this world

Just this once allow PEACE  to bless our coming days.

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