5.12.12 A Dreamer ( Dedicated to Amuse-bouche* a Wattpad writer)

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What dreams do you dream?

The future visions of yet to be?

If so, what do you see?

Are they green with silver lining like me?

Of a world of many vegetarians living in cities of domes.

Connected by tunnels of fast moving magnetic trains,

Under sea and land.

And the beaches and shores are  holiday lands

stretched out with golden sands.

Where natural forest and plains are environmental reserves. 

A place for our fellow living things so they can live and grow.

Here few live from day to day

to maintain the balance of Earth's garden.

Living in green dreams.

There within houses in the trees, living a life as balanced 

as you please amongst the leaves of green photosynthesise.

The cities — yes they still exist,

With silver shimmering domes overhead;

As bubbles to protect the world, from humanities woes.

Here, the bulk of humanity lives in city scapes

With tall green towers of hanging gardens

Growing our food and essentials.

Playgrounds, city swimming pools, in parks

As we play and communicate.

Our theatres are full very night

With laughter, song, and music of all kinds.

Enjoying all our developments as humanity grows.

Or are you still dreaming of a natural world?  Like

 Others who live in high mountain ranges,

The brown world, looking after the goat terrains,

or keeping sheep like the ancients.

Playing pan pipes with cow bells.

 Are these your dreams?

As ancient lore of Peruvian mountains, are maintained

Your carbon imprint is so small my friend,

Living your life as a lama herder man.

Connected still to the rest of the world

Within the world wide web, so no real isolation felt.

Or are you living in a bubble under the oceans of this world?

Maintaining the balance of whale song,

and the light of the giant electric eel?

Living to maintain the clean clear ocean life

Poseidon paradise of old Atlantis.

Farming the weed if too much grows.

And keeping all the fish alive.

Yes, these are the blue world, dreams.

Is this what you dream?

Or do your dreams have a different twist

To the hunter and gather open plains.

Traditional lifestyle here maintained

The dream of those strong enough

To live this life so tough,

Are the red dreams, of hunters strong.

But interweave when they must

To trade and entertain with every other terrain.

Are you of this kind?

Are you this  type? The one that needs variety.

The rainbow world moving and experiencing

All ways of life, blue, green, brown and red

to the silver dooms overhead.

From the underwater world of blue dreams,

 To enjoy this part of reality, then jump on an underground

Fast moving train, and arrive within minutes

To interweave with those of the domes.

To give the full tapestry of colourful weaves

Upon the fabric of humanities evolution;

Of a developed  Multicultural  Society,

 With all belonging to our beautiful world.

Yes I can dream them all just this way.

These are my dreams I have today.

Can you dream them too?

A future for our children’s children to grow. 

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