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The girl sat on the rock with her eyes closed and her legs crossed. Her long, thick, curly black hair blew in her thin face. Across from her sat a man, her father and mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi (though most people call him Ben). They both sat in a relaxed posture, breathing in and out normally and quietly.

"Focus Winter." The man, Ben said.

"I am Focussing father. Its just not working." the girl called Winter said.

"If you were focussing we wouldn't still be out here."

Winter opened her icy blue eyes. She stood up and brushed the sand off her black Jedi cloak. Obi-Wan opened his eyes and looked at her.

"What are you doing? We haven't completed the exercise yet."

"Well we've been at it all day and have gotten no further than yesterday. Or the Day before that. Or the Month before that. I still have no idea what you're trying to teach me! You already said i have completed my Jedi Training! What more is there to do?"

Obi-Wan stood up. "While yes you have completed your training and yes you are a Jedi, one can never stop practicing nor training. The goal of this was to make you focus and discipline your mind Winter, so you may better control your powers."

'But i already know how to control the force Father."

"You know exactly what power I mean." Winter cast her eyes down. Obi-Wan sighed. " Alright we shall stop for the day but we will resume again tomorrow."

"Why? Face it dad, we have tried everything! There is no controlling it. Its hopeless." Winter sighed. She her silky black-gloved hand through her hair and put it in a pony tail.

'It will just take time Winter much like it took time for you to control the force. Do not give up hope my child." Obi-Wan gazed at the sunset sky. "Im going to get dinner started." He then turned and walked toward the cave that they called home. He turned around before he reached the door to see Winter in the same place. "Are you coming?"

This broke Winters train of thought. "What? Oh yeah! Sure I'll be there in a second." Ben nodded and went inside. Winter walked around thinking. Thinking about why. Why couldn't she control her power? Obi-Wan said she was the most powerful Jedi he had seen so why couldn't she control it? She sighed and looked up at the sky. Whilst it was still lint out she could still make out several hundreds of stars in the desert sky. How she wished she could walk among them. Ever since she was little she had always wanted to go into the great beyond of space. Well really all she has ever wanted was to leave Tatooine. She was tired of living in such a lonely world. She longed to go out there and see the galaxy and to find adventure. But alas she couldn't leave even if the was capable of doing so."Stop dreaming about the impossible and grow up" she said to herself. She had her father and so many friends here. She couldn't bear to leave them. And this place was here home. She grew up here and learned here. Why would she leave? Then again why would she stay? She sat down, knocking over her canteen of water in the process. She picked it up and set it back on the rock. And so, she sat there thinking. Maybe and hour later her father called her in for dinner. Then after eating she resigned to her quarters and fell asleep.

Little did she know that when she woke the next morning her world would never be the same again.

Rise (A Star Wars/ Luke Skywalker Fan Fiction) #Wattys2016Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin