Chapter 6

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"Man do we ever get a break from trouble?" Han said. The ship was shaking and going everywhere from the moment they got out of hyperspace. Winter, followed by Luke and Obi-Wan, leaving Ella to look after the droids made their way to the cockpit. Just as they entered, Han maneuvered the ship rather quickly to dodge an oncoming asteroid. The force sent Luke in the wall, Obi-Wan grabbed him before he could hit any buttons.

"Sit down! We're going for a bumpy ride!" Han yelled.

"Han what the hell is going on? I thought you said we had made it to Alderaan!" Winter asked.

"We have but we've come out of light speed into an asteroid shower! These are the exact coordinates to Alderaan!" Han said as he moved the ship to the left to dodge another asteroid.

"If these are the coordinates, then where is the planet?" Luke asked.

"That's what I'm beginning to wonder." Han said. "Alderaan is gone. It's been totally blown away."

"What?!? How?" Luke asked. He seemed just as shocked as Winter.

"Destroyed by the Empire most likely." Winter said as she saw a asteroid with skeletons on them. She turned away from the window and forced herself to think. While yes it was possible for the empire to destroy the planet, Winter couldn't think of how. She gave a glance to the Radar.

"What? No, the entire star fleet couldn't destroy the planet. It would take at least a thousand ships with more firepower than-" Han said before he was cut off by a loud beeping.

"Han there's another ship coming in, looks like an Imperial fighter." Winter said.

"What? How did it follow us?" Luke asked.

"It didn't" Obi-Wan said.

"Well i can't find any bases around here so where did it come from?" Han asked.

"If they identify us then we'll be in big trouble." Winter said. "Do you need me on the guns?"

"No that won't be necessary. Chewie jam that ships transmissions."

"You might as well just let it go, it's to far out of range." Obi-Wan said.

"Not for long!" Han replied.

Obi-Wan leaned back in thought. "A fighter that size couldn't be out here on its own. The ships not built for that."

"Maybe it got lost or was part of a convoy." Luke suggested.

"Highly unlikely." Winter said.

"Who cares? He won't be around long enough to tell anybody about us." Han said, gaining on the little fighter.

Luke pointed at something outside the window. "It seems to be heading for that small moon."

"Dont worry I can get him before he gets there." Han said.

Obi-Wan squinted his eyes at the moon. Then he backed up slightly.

"Thats no moon. That's a space station." Obi-Wan said, his voice grave.

"That cannot be. It to big to be a space station." Hans said.

"Han I've got a bad feeling about this." Luke said.

Winter nodded in agreement. "Turn the ship around." Winter said rather calmly.

"Yeah let's go with that." Han said as he began punching buttons and flicking switches. "Chewie lock in auxiliary power, we're going full reverse."

Chewbacca did as asked. However to Winter's surprise, there was no effect.

"Why are we still going towards it?" Luke said.

Rise (A Star Wars/ Luke Skywalker Fan Fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now