Chapter 3

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Obi-Wan was waiting for the two at the Sand Crawler. Behind him, Winter could see C-3PO and R2 burning the remains of the dead Jawas. Winter jumped out of the speeder and strode to her master.

"Where have you two been?!?", Obi-Wan said angrily. Winter was about to answer until Obi-Wan looked behind her and saw Ella. "And who is she?!?" He asked, clearly angry.

"Ok first off, please calm down. I know your upset but we have a perfectly good reason. Alright?" Winter said, in the calmest tone she could muster. Obi-Wan looked furious but her nodded in understanding.

"Thank you. Now, first off, Introductions!" Winter said clapping her hands together. She opted to Ella. "Obi-Wan this is Ella. Ella this is Obi-Wan. Ella is one of my closet friends who also just so happens to know a place where we will find a pilot whom can take us to Alderaan. She is also a gifted hacker, knows multiple languages and knows how to fight. Long story short, she's coming with us to Alderaan." , Obi-Wan opened his mouth. "Ah Ah! Its my turn to talk remember?" Winter said. Obi-Wan closed his mouth. "You may not see why we need her but trust me she's useful. She can negotiate anything, and on top f that she knows who the best pilots are and can get us a good deal. Plus, well it just wouldn't be right to leave her here alone." Winter lowered her voice. " She just lost her mother, whom was the only family she had dad. I'm all she's got."

Obi-Wan nodded in understanding. He thought for a moment. He of course understood where Winter was coming from but something was off. For whatever reason he didn't trust Ella. He looked at Winter. "But Winter trusts her.", Obi-Wan said to himself. He knew Winter to have good judgement and he knew her trust in people was never misplaced. If Winter trusts Ella, then why shouldn't he?

Obi-Wan sighed. "Ok she may come." Winter nodded and smiled. "Thank You, father." Winter said.

"Don't make me regret it. Now while thats all well and good i need to know; What happened to your aunt and uncle, Luke? Are they all right?" Obi-Wan said, looking a Luke. Luke chocked back a few tears that had been threatening to spill. He was trying to talk but no words came. Obi-Wan, however seemed to understand what had happened. He bowed his head.

"I'm sorry Luke. There wasn't anything you could've done. If you had been there you would have been killed to. Then the droids would be in the possession of the Empire." Obi-wan said gently.

Luke remained silent. Winter could feel his sorrow and pain. She was fortunate to never have known her parents when they died. Luke wasn't so lucky. He had be raised with them. He was taught and loved by them. Luke, though he may not have always showed it, loved his family. And now they were gone. Luke met Obi-Wan's eyes.

"I want to come with you to Alderaan. I want to learn the ways of the force and become a Jedi like my father before me." Luke said. Obi-Wan smiled and nodded.

"Ok then it's settled. We will leave for.." Obi-Wan looked to Ella.

"Mos Eisley. More specifically the Chalmun's Cantina is where we'll find our pilot."

"Ok then we leave early tomorrow morning for Mos Eisley. For now we shall go back home and rest for the night. You all have had a long day and deserve some much needed rest."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Winter, Luke, Obi-Wan, Ella and the droids got into the speeder and sped through the rural,desert lands.

After arriving at Winter and Obi-Wans home, Winter had R2 play Princess Leia's message to Obi-Wan and filled her in on what all has happened. Meanwhile, Luke was training with Obi-Wan outside.

"Wow. Do you think there is a weakness in this Deathstar?" Ella asked.

"Everything has a weakness Ella. Nothing is invincible." Winter said as she packed her duffle bag. She threw in her two blasters and zipped it up, leaving only her bow and quiver of arrows out along with her two lightsabers. She sat down on the chair in the corner of her room, facing Ella.

Rise (A Star Wars/ Luke Skywalker Fan Fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now