Chapter 24

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Winter woke up to the sound of a heart monitor beeping regularly. She blinked a few times so her eyes could adjust to the blinding light of her hospital room. Once her eyesight was finally adjusted, Winter took in her surroundings. Obviously, she was in a hospital room on the Rebel base, so that was a good sign. At least know her first fear, the fear that the Death Star had destroyed the base, had been resolved. She was tucked under 3 sheets of bedding pulled up to right below her breasts. There was a nasal cannula t hat was, obviously, in her nose, giving her oxygen. She was no longer in her black clothing, rather now she was in a hospital gown.

She felt weak and a little tired, yet at the same time, she felt strong and alive. Winter sat a little more, expecting to be met with pain. However, the pain did not come and she was thankful. Winter, slightly curious as to why she felt no pain, lifted her gown, expecting to see whole where she had been shot. To her surprise, she saw no such thing. Her skin had perfectly been healed as if she was never shot in the first place.

"Somehow, they were able to completely regrow your lost tissue." Han's voice said. Winter looked up and saw him standing in the doorway,leaning back like he didn't have a care in the world, which he probably didn't. He strode over to her and sat in the chair next to her.

"You had us all worried, princess.  I thought we were going to loose you." Han said sincerely.

Winter laughed a little. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"I know, but still." Han Replied. "You looked horrible when I brought you back here. You were all pale and your breath was shaky and silent, almost as if you weren't alive. Everyone was scared to loose you, especially Ella and Luke."

"Can I see them?" She asked weekly.

"Yeah of course. I'll get them real quick." Han said. He stood up and placed a kiss at the top of her small hand then left the room. Winter looked around until she found a mirror on the small table next to her. Winter flipped up and almost gasped at what she saw. Han was right when he said Winter was pale. She looked a little tired and worn out, her cheek bones protruding more than normal, as she had lost a drastic amount of weight throughout all this.

The door swung open and Ella ran in. She practically threw herself at Winter, hugging her tightly, and crying tears of happiness.

"I thought I lost you." Ella whispered through tears into Winters ear. Ella pulled away and Winter looked into her eyes.

"You'll never loose me, Els. Remember, I am with you until the end of the line." Winter told her. Ella wiped a tear off her freckled cheek and looked behind her, just now noticing Luke was waiting his turn to say hello.

"I'll leave you two love birds alone." Ella whispered. Winter smacked her arm playfully as Ella passed a little wink in Winters direction. Winter watched as Ella left the room, leaving just Luke and Winter alone together. Luke walked over to her, a little timidly, and wrapped his arms around her. The warmth of his touch spread through entire body like wildfire. Although she tried, Winter couldn't push away the feeling of security Luke's arms gave her. It was as if she knew Everything was alright, as long as Winter was with him. Winter could hear a small sigh of relief escape his mouth and she smiled a little.

"He really does love you, ya know?" A voice in her head said.

"I know." Another replied.

"So why not tell him how you really feel?" it asked.

"The Jedi code prohibits it." Her voice replied.

"Fuck the code." The other voice said. 

Luke pulled away and sat down in the chair next to her bed.

Rise (A Star Wars/ Luke Skywalker Fan Fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now