Chapter 7

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As she fell Winter had a sudden realization: She was very stupid when it came down to it.

Sure she was strategic when she needed to be and could formulate plans in seconds, but when it came to things as simple as escape plans she sucked.

As she fell, she concentrated on using the Force to land herself onto the catwalk. "This landing won't be smooth " she said to her self as she guided her body right over the catwalk. It took all her will power not to scream on impact. She smashed her body into the metal catwalk hard, landing on her back. Upon impact, she bounced upwards a little and rolled farther from the sheer force of the landing. For a moment she had the wind knocked right out of her. Laying there for a few moments to catch her breath she physically evaluated herself. More than likely she broke a few bones. She could feel bruises already creeping up on her body. Nevertheless, she some how managed to get up, albeit with some difficulty as she did just fall about 10 stories and was in a huge amount of pain. However for the first time in her life she was thankful for Stormtrooper armor

She hobbled towards the exit and walked out, peering around the corner before doing so. As she walked she checked her Stormtrooper armor . It was clear that she had been through some shit. It was scrapped and scratched. No longer was it perfectly white now it rather gray and dusty looking. She shrugged. "What can you do?" She said to herself.

"Well you could start off with not jumping off of high areas." Said another voice in her head.

"Shut up" She said.


Winter rolled her eyes at herself. She put her helmet back on and walked out of her corner, looking as Stormtrooper as possible. Truth be told she had no idea where she was nor where she was going. All she knew is that she had to get back to the ship. "Ok, well first things first. I have to find out where I am" she thought. As she walked she looked around the walls, though not to noticeably, as she didn't need to cause unwanted attention of the other Stormtroopers and generals that walked by her.

Although she got a few stares, Winter thankfully managed to find a map without any trouble. Apparently she was now on floor 13. Damn, I Fell five stories? That's a record." She thought to her self. She quickly plotted out a way back (and by plotted out she just decided to take the elevator up and improvise from there.) Satisfied with her "plan" she began walking towards the elevator.

It wasn't to long after that, she heard a voice call after her or rather her Stormtrooper ID.

"F-A443! Stop!"the person yelled. Winter stooped as she was asked and quickly looked at her uniform realizing the person was talking to her. She gulped as the person, a man with the ID badge that read "General Rickman" came in front of her. He looked like a serious man with black hair slicked back and a severe and serious face. Winter did the only thing she could do. She stood at attention and saluted the officer.

"At ease, Stormtrooper. Where have you been? We've been trying to contact you and your partner for over an hour! Why are you not at your post?" Rickman asked harshly. Winter was about to answer before he raised a hand to interrupt her. " Nevermind, I don't want to here your lame excuse! We've been infiltrated from the inside and it's by the people whom were on the Millennium Falcon, Which, if I call correctly was the ship you were supposed to have thoroughly checked. Am I wrong?"

Winter dropped her voice an octave lower. "No sir."

"THEN HOW THE HELL WERE THERE PEOPLE ON IT TO INFULTRATE US?" Rickman yelled. "Look, I don't care for your lame excuses. Get back to your station NOW! I will deal with your punishment later. We've already figured out the location of three of them, and Vader is handling one of them.Now find the other one!" Rickman ordered. Winter nodded before turning to leave. Then she stopped and looked back at him.

Rise (A Star Wars/ Luke Skywalker Fan Fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now