Chapter 4

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From afar, Mos Esiley looked just like every other city on Tatooine. All the buildings were made of smooth Sandstone,  small satellite towers were sprinkled here and there and there was sand every where you looked.However, as Winter drove closer, she quickly realized what Obi-Wan had meant when he said this was the home of all types of villianary and scum. Every time she stopped, a new stranger would approach the speeder, trying to get money or buy the speeder. Along with beggars, there were Stormtroopers everywhere. So far, Winter had avoided all of them, which she was rather proud of.

Whilst they drove through the city, Ella pointed out different areas and gave her friends the names of certain locations. Winter wasn't surprised that Ella new so much about Mos Esiley. Ella had told Winter she would visit her father here every weekend until she was 7, when her dad died.

"So Ella, where is it that we are we going again?" Winter asked.

"The Cantina. Take a left up here." Ella said.

"How do you know we will find a pilot here?", Luke asked.

"Well this is the capital of smugglers is it not?" Ella said.

"From what I've heard yeah." Luke said.

"Well smugglers commonly use ships to do their work. Don't they need to pilot them?" Ella replied.

Luke nodded and looked away. Winter stopped at an intersection and awaited further instruction from Ella. She pinch her eyebrows together. 

"Are you okay?", Obi-Wan asked, his eyes full of concern.

"What? Oh! Yeah I'm fine just a slight headache." Obi-Wan nodded, obviously believing her.

 Ella told her to turn right and she did; Right onto a road clustered with stormtroopers. They were stopping every speeder and asking the people in it questions.

"I don't like the look of this", C-3PO said from the back.

"Let me handle this." Obi-Wan said. As winter pulled up Four stormtroopers came up to the Speeder.

"How long have you had these droids Miss?" One of the Stormtroopers asked Winter.

"About 3 to 4 seasons" She quickly replied.

"They're up for sale if you want them." Obi-Wan said.

The Stormtrooper thought for a moment. "Let me see you identification Miss."

"You don't need to see her identification." Obi-Wan said.

"We don't need to see her identification." The stormtrooper told his comrades.

"These are not the droids you're looking for." Obi-Wan told him.

"These are not the droids we are looking for." The stormtrooper said.

"She can go about her business." Obi-Wan said. Winter remained silent and still.

"You may go about your business." The Stormtrooper told her. She nodded silently.

"Move along." Obi-Wan said.

The stormtrooper motioned for her to go. "Move along, Move along!"

Rise (A Star Wars/ Luke Skywalker Fan Fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now