Chapter 12

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"GWARHHA". Chewbacca yelled with glee. He ran to her and hugged her tightly, Making it damn near impossible to breath.

"Gahh! Chewie! I....Can't.........Breath buddy!" Winter stuttered out. Chewbacca seemed to understand her, because he set he down and let her go, leaving Winter gasping for air. She laughed at the Wookie and quickly hugged him back.

"It's good to see you to, Chewie." She said with a smile.

"Hey there princess." Han said with a smirk as he gave her a quick hug. After pulling away, she glared at him.

"What have I told you to call me?" She asked.

Han sighed. "Biscuit?" Winter laughed and just shook her head.

"Get out of here Solo! You've got a ship to get ready, now don't you?" Winter said playfully.

Han did a mock salute. "Yes captain!" And he marched off, taking Chewie with him.

"It is very good to see you Ms. Kenobi. R2 and I are most excited about your return." 3PO said.

"Thank you. " she said kindly. Then the two droids boarded the ship, leaving Luke and Winter alone.

"Well are you going to hug me or not?" She asked sarcastically. He seemed to jolt back into reality and laughed a little. He basically ran up to her and hugged her, picking her up as he did.

"I missed you so much." He told her. She could feel her cheeks blushing.

"So did I." She said back. They pulled away and Luke set her back down on the ground.

"Are you alight?" Luke asked, his voice dripping with concern. For an instant, something flashed behind Winters eyes, a mix of sorrow, fear, anger and misery. She shivered slightly then smiled pleasantly told him. "He's so happy right now. Why ruin his mood?" She thought to herself.

"Yeah I'm ok." She whispered. For a moment, the two stared into each others eyes, without speaking or moving.

It was then Winter had realized that she never really had taken a good look at Luke. She never really studied his features, like they way his blue eyes looked in the sunlight. They reminded her of the lakes on Alderaan, shining a crystal blue colour. They were warm and somewhat welcoming unlike Winter's icy cold eyes.  His hair reminded her of the sands on Tatooine, shiny and streaked with lighter highlights here and there. His lips had a slight curve at the end of them, that made him seem like he was always smiling. Winter couldn't really help but smile slightly every time she saw him.

"Will you two lovebirds come on? Ships ready!" Han said from the door way.

That was enough to snap Winter out of her daydream. Luke cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Umm yeah sure coming." He shouted back to Han. "It's ummm good to have you back." He said to her with a smile. Then he ran back to the ship. Winter stood only for a moment, looking out at the beautiful sea in front of her, and the castle just to the right. Then, grabbing her bag as she did so, climbed aboard the ship, the ramp closing behind her.

It's took no time at all before the Falcon was off Takodona and was in orbit around a white star. Han and Chewie were in the pilots cockpit, searching for imperials most likely. Winter sat alone at a table, twirling her dagger in the air by using the Force. She had her eyes closed, body relaxed. She was thinking, deeply at that. Luke had seen Obi-Wan do this before on the falcon. To Luke, it seemed to calm him and help him collect his thoughts.

Luke couldn't help but think of how similar Winter was to Obi-Wan. Although there was no blood relation, she had a lot in common with him. They way she walked, the calmness in witch she spoke, her way of reasoning all the way down to the way she breathed was the same. And yet, at the same time they could be polar opposites. For one, Winters fighting style reminder him of a dancer, graceful and elegant. Her strikes were clean and calculated yet she was far more gruesome and cold than Obi-Wan. She had a more brutal air about her when it came down to fighting, whereas Obi-Wan had always kept a calm and collected demeanor.
"So similar and yet completely different." Luke thought to himself.

Yet he also found himself incapable of not looking at her. She was one of this people that were so beautiful that you never got tired of looking at them. Every time she spoke or touched him, he could feel a spark of joy light up every inch of him. All he wanted to do was be around her, although he couldn't quite explain why.

"Luke?" Winter asked softly.


"What are you thinking about?" She asked.

Luke could feel heat rise to his face. It was then he realized he'd been staring at her the entire time. He looked away quickly.

"Umm nothing." Luke lied quickly. Winter cocked her head to the right a little and raised a eyebrow.

"You sure?" She asked quizzically.

"Absolutely not." Luke answered. Winter looked away, a laugh escaping her mouth.

"No but seriously, what's on your mind?" She said her voice full of concern.

Luke shrugged a little. "Well...umm... I was actually thinking of you."

This seem to take Winter by surprise as she jolted slightly when he said that.

"In a good way?" She asked.

"My friend how could some one even see you in a bad way?" He replied. Now it was Winters turn to blush as she looked down, smiling.

"What were you thinking about specifically?" She asked.

"Just...Umm how good of a fighter you are." Luke said. Winter didn't seem to believe him but she decided it best not to pry further.

"And you? What is running through that crazy head of yours?" He asked playfully.

Winter looked up. "What? Oh sorry! I just got lost in thought again. What did you say?"

Luke chuckled slightly. "I asked what were you thinking about."

"Oh." Winters face fell slightly. "Well I'm still trying to... I don't know i guess just understand all thats taken place in this past week. Obi-Wan's death, Ella and Leia still in the hands of the Empire and the fact that now anyone we have ever been associated with will now, along with us, have big red targets painted on our backs. And although we have only been at this a week, I have a feeling there's more to come and that the more we try to avoid and stay out of the rebellion, I believe that we will only succeed in getting ourself into deeper trouble."

Luke looked at her for a moment. "Do you really believe that?"

"Well don't you?"

Luke remained silent. Winter sighed softly and returned to her previous position, as if to tell Luke that the conversation was over. At least thats how he saw it. He stood up and walked away quietly and into the bunk area. He flopped down on his bunk, which was right across from Winter's, closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

A/N Hey guys sorry for the delay! I've managed to tear my tibial tendon this week so been a bit busy in and out of doctors and stuff! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 1.5K READS!!! THANTS AWESOME AND IT MEANS  A LOT TO ME!

QOTD: Who is your favorite author?

Me: Tie between Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo :/

Leave your answers in the comments and as always....


Rise (A Star Wars/ Luke Skywalker Fan Fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now