Chapter 19

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Winter ran as far as she could from the camp site. She didn't care how much her shoulder hurt for the wood that was still in it. She didn't care how much her side burned from the 3 claw marks that were there. She had to get away from there, she had to get away from Luke.

Once she far enough away, Winter flung herself down on a log. She buried her face in her hands and screamed.

"You can't allow yourself to feel this way, Winter. A Jedi is not meant to know Love. Love leads to jealousy, jealousy to hate, hate to the Dark side!" She screamed to herself.

"I don't love him, I don't love him, I don't love him, I DON'T LOVE HIM!" Winter continued to think this hoping if she did this enough she could convince herself that this was the truth. Winter gave and exasperated sigh. She stood up and drew her bow with much pain from her shoulder.

She walked slowly through the woods, bow drawn and ready, listening and looking for possible prey. Suddenly she heard a chirp of a bird and stopped moving. On a branch above her, 2 belly birds sat on a branch looking away from Winter. She quietly moved to where she could only see one, as the other one on the other side was covered. She jumped up on a rock to get an extra height advantage. She raised her bow to the birds chest then she let it fly. The arrow pierced through both birds causing them to screech then fall backwards into the jungle floor. Winter jumped down to retrieve her and Luke's dinner then calmly walked back to camp.

Luke had a fire going when she got back. By know the sun had set and it was dark out, save for the light provided by the fire and the lanterns in their tents. Luke sat anxiously on the ground, a clean shirt on his back and the rest of his body looking a lot cleaner then when she had left. He was looking down, tapping his hand against his knee whilst reading a book.

"Got dinner." She said holding up her prize. Luke's head bolted up at the sound of her voice and for a moment he was silent as the two looked in to eachother's eyes. Feeling awkward, Winter quickly looked away and sat down opposite of him and quickly but efficiently skinned the birds. When that was done, she ties them on a metal rod and began cooking them over the fire.

"Winter?" Luke asked.

"Yes?" She replied, her eyes cast down upon the ground.

Luke gulped. "Look we need to talk-" just as he was about to finish, Winter felt an intense wave of pain pass over her causing her to Yelp in pain. In a second Luke was by her side looking at her with worry and fear.

"Winter?!? What's wrong?" Luke asked.

"I...need the kit..... Please..." Winter could feel herself trailing off. She was begging to lose conciseness. She hadn't even noticed Luke had left and come back with the med kit in hand. She hadn't felt it when Luke pulled out the piece of wood in her shoulder or when he cleaned out the long claw marks on her side. Winter the began to feel her self slip into nothingness once more.


Winter woke up 30 minutes later to the smell of cooked food in her tent. She sat up with a jolt of pain from her shoulder and looked around. She saw that she was in her tent with a thin blanket over her. Next to her was a plastic container that was foggy on the inside. She opened it and steamed followed out. In the container was one the Belly Birds she had begun to cook earlier.

She quickly ate it and then promptly sat up on her knees to examine herself. From what she could tell, Luke had put a thick bandage around her shoulder and around her waist. She stood up with minimal difficulty and headed back out into the night air.

Luke was sitting by the fire when she got out side again. He was just looking at it as if he was in deep thought. His blond hair looked as if he had run his hand through it one to many times.

"Thank you." Winter said. This clearly startled Luke as he jumped slightly when she spoke. When he realized it was her all of him seemed to melt into relaxation as if the sight of her was enough to make him calm down.

"No problem." He replied nonchalantly. Winter sat beside although not to close and stared at the fire, seemingly remembering what she had done to the dragon.

"Winter?" Luke asked.

Winter couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. " Yes?" Part of her was hoping he asked about their shared kiss and what they would do, part of her hoped he had just forgotten about it. Nevertheless she listened intently.

" Maybe it was the poison causing hallucinations, but while I was on the ground back when we fought the hydra I could see Fire. I could see you control fire and burning the beast to a crisp." Luke explained.

"You did." Winter agreed. " Sometimes people can be so I tune with the Force that they have different abilities. My clairvoyance is one. Pyrokinesis is another. But listen. You mustn't tell anyone about this, not even Ella."


"Just don't okay?" Winter asked. Luke nodded silently. He then stood up and walked away from the fire.

"I'm heading to bed. Good Night Winter. I-" Luke stopped himself before he could finish.

"What?" Winter asked. Luke just shook his head and looked at the ground.

"Nothing goodnight." Luke said as he ducked into his tent. Winter looked away and back into the flames, still wondering what Luke was going to say, If anything at all.

A/N Hey guys! Short chapter, I know and for that I am sorry but I really didn't want to make this one big run on chapter. I'm trying to space out the story a little more. BUT HEY WE HAVE ALMOST 2.5K READS WHICH IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!

QOTD: This is weird but do you guys have any ship names for Luke and Winter because I can't think of one? :/

Leave your answers in the comments and as always......


P.S. The image is a much clearer version of what Winter looks like BTW

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