Chapter 21

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Ladies and Gentleman, can I have your attention please?" Leia asked. Immediately the crowd of rebel fighter chatter ceased, and they all sat down, looking at Leia. "Thank you. Now, if you will a, please listen to Winter Kenobi and General Jon Dodonna as they brief you on this mission we can all get what needs to be done faster."

The Rebels all said, in unison, "Yes Ma'am!" before turning their attention on Winter and Jon. Winter shared a nervous look with Jon before stepping forward.

"Alright then.. umm... Well, we all know what the Death Star is capable of. At least I hope we are all aware of this." The Rebel fighters nodded, telling Winter they knew exactly what it could do. "Well, long story short, this battle station is on its way here, to Yavin 4, to do what it did to Alderaan but this time to us. If they succeed, then all hope for winning this rebellion will cease to exist. However, we are going to destroy their ship before they can destroy us." 

"Pardon me Miss, but how can we do that? It is impossible!' A rebel fighter asked.

"Well, I am glad you asked. General, if you please?" Winter asked, motioned for Jon to step forth.

"This battle station is heavily shielded and carries a firepower that is greater than half a star fleet. Its defenses are designed around a direct, large-scale assault." Jon Dodanna explained.

"Correct. With that in mind, a small one-man fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defenses. And-"

"I'm sorry but what are our stunt plane's going to be against that?" Another rebel asked.

"Well, the Empire doesn't take into consideration a small fighter to be any threat, my friend," Dodonna replied. "If they did they would have a fighter defense system."

"Exactly. Now an analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia as help us determine the battle stations weakness. A small, Thermal Exhaust port that leads straight to the main reactor. "

"However, it will not be easy getting to this point as you will have to maneuver through a small trench and skim the surface to get to this point. If it wasn't already difficult enough, the target area is only 2 meters wide." Jon added.

Winter nodded in agreement. "Only a precise hit with a Proton Torpedo will be able to cause the chain reaction that will destroy the Death Star. We will be sending 22 x-wings from the Red Squadron, which will be lead by Garven Dreis and eight Y-wings, lead by Jon Vander. Mr. Skywalker and I will be joining the red squadron as well."

"We will be going down the trench in waves of 3, Y-Wings first and x-wings last. If you're not in the trench, then you're doing you best to keep TIE fighter off their tail."

"We must succeed in this," Winter said. "The freedom of the galaxy depends on this battle today.

"Pilot your ships well, men and women. May the Force be With You."


As the sun began to set on the night before the fight, Winter stood on the balcony that overlooked the entire rebel base. Rebel fighters who decided to work over time were busy prepping their ships and Astro droids. Some were even sleeping in the hanger so they could be ready to go when dawn broke. Winter twisted her small, silver dagger in her hands, thinking of the battle to come.

"Can't sleep?" A familiar voice said from behind her. Winter turned around to see Luke, standing there as if he wasn't sure whether he should leave or stay.

Winter smiled slightly. "Not at all."

"Neither can I," Luke said as he walked over to her and joined her on her left side in gazing at the hustle and bustle of the Rebel Base.

"Are you ready for this?" Luke asked her.

Winter sighed. "God no. I don't think anyone is ever ready for a battle. We could have all the planning in the world, and I would still not be ready." Winter replied. "And you?"

"Never in a million years," Luke admitted. "You know, whenever we left Tatooine, I never thought I would miss it. Never thought I would want to come back. Now, all the sudden that's all I can think about. Going back home after all this is over. Strange isn't it?"

Winter shook her head. "Not at all. I guess no matter how bad we wanted to leave a place we will always want to come back to it because it is our home, whether we liked it or not."

"Can't argue with that," Luke said. "Do you think this will ever be over? This war?

Winter thought for a moment. " I think there will come a time when the Empire falls, and there is a period of peace. However, one can never vanquish the Dark Side of the force, no matter how hard they try. Defeat the Empire and the Dark Side will just take up a whole new look or disguise. So no, the war with the Dark Side will never end. It will merely stop for a time then start back up."

"Why could the Dark Side never be vanquished?" Luke asked.

"One can never ride the universe of evil, Luke. As long as there is good, there shall always be evil. This is why the Jedi exist; To fight the war that must always be fought but can never be won. The war against Evil."

Luke seemed to understand. For a moment, the two stood in silence. The sun had finally set, leaving Luke and Winter to gaze upon the night sky in all it splendor and beauty. There were so many stars out on this night. Some brighter than others, some smaller. All of them beautiful. Winter couldn't help but think that somewhere across the stars people were looking for her. Maybe her biological parents, or a sibling she didn't know she had. 

Ever since she was little, Winter had always wondered if her parents were alive or if they ever looked for her. It was always a stupid thing to wonder yet still she would think about it. Sometimes, she wondered how different her life would have been had her family kept her. Had she been raised by her mother and father would she have ever been a Jedi? Would she have ever met Leia, Ella, Luke, Han or Chewie? Even though Obi-Wan had told her they were dead, she still couldn't help but feel he was lying. She had wished Obi-Wan had told her who her parents were before he died, for Winter felt confident he knew, though he would say otherwise.

"Luke, do you remember your parents? Your real ones?" Winter asked with a hint of uncertainty.

"No, not at all. You?" he asked.

Winter shook her head. "Sometimes, I wonder if they are alive and just didn't want me. Obi-Wan told me they were dead but... I don't know I just don't think he was telling the truth, you know?

"Well, sometimes a lie is kinder than the truth. Maybe they... well just didn't want you or couldn't keep you and so they gave you to Obi-Wan." Luke suggested.

"Yeah probably," Winter replied. "I just wish I at least had their names."

"Maybe it is just better you don't know them. There has to be a reason Obi-Wan didn't tell you about them." Luke sid.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Winter looked at the time. "I'm going to bed Luke. Next time I see you will be in battle. May the Force be With You, Skywalker."

" May the Force be With You, Winter."

A/N Dang two chapters in one day??? What is this sorcery?

QOTD: Least favorite Avenger?

Me- Falcon :/

Leave your answers in the comments and as always.....


P.S The picture is Winter's dagger.

Rise (A Star Wars/ Luke Skywalker Fan Fiction) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now