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Okay so I have or many crushes before and now. And I know you do too because like everyone fucking human being has crushes and get crushes like bitch please don't deny it 💁🏻

Okay so my first crush was in primary school. And I'm not going to say his name because Anyways, BIG MISTAKE i have ever did in my entire life!....nah jk.

Anyways tho....

1) I didn't tell him my feelings...👎🏼

But....what I should've have done was....
1) ask your feelings to him 👍🏼

Yeah...but I do get people are shy and I totally understand that because well....I'm a shy person too because that's why I didn't ask him about my feelings towards him. Hello?..

Anyways...ill tell you my story and how it went out.

I told my good old trusty friend who was Turkish like me. And I thought oh yeah we are family because her parents knows my parents so...why not tell her my secret!


Never tell your secrets to anymore unless yourself or your close ones.

And....this is how it went.

" omg Cansu, you should totally ask him now and how you should you been waiting for 2 years" and I shake my head because bitch I don't wanna ask him now!!

Oh and he was one of my best mates I didn't wanna lose him...

" no I don't want to okay forget it, I don't have a crush on him anymore" I said. was absolute lie. I just don't want her to continue on.

" fine if you not going to ask him, I'll ask him for you then" and I was shitting my pants right now!!! Like this bitch high or something like I said's a fucking no.

Anyways....the day just getting worse

It was lunch and...well the bitch turns up and says to meh

" I already told him, he was in my class so I told him" my fucking eyes were popping out and any sec it was out to pop out and hit her fucking face.
I was soooooooo embarrassed and shy and have some heart problems.....nah

" why would you do that!!?" She just smirks just bitch please don't give me that look.

" how dare you tell my secret out!? I wasn't ready!!!

Yeah bitches.

She wasn't ready!!!

" but I helped you right?.....and please his waiting for you in the canteen" Most girls in primary school would have done this im not sure maybe because I did it

I ran away.....but there was no escape from hell ( school)
The girl has multiple of friends and they have kidnapped me and dragged me towards the canteen. They made one girl in charge to look after me. She was fat and nice and was easy to get a away hehehehe

There was a hole and I fit it through and ran away.

But of course they got me yet again.....

They place me back where I was and I knew he was there so I put my hat down covering my face not waiting to see or hear...

And all I hear was....

" I don't like you Cansu!"
I sank in.....I felt like my heart just fell apart.
All the girls gasp and some of them starting to laugh.

But that didn't cause the pain.....

What cause the pain was....I lost a really good friend. And the girl has taken it away from me.

But!!!!! I'm fine and blah blah!!!!

Really I'm fine

I got over him because I'm in high school now and new boys to come to have crushes on them lmao

The next chapter is going to be my another crush/ thing I'll explain to you all in that chapter bye!

Girls talkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon