The MR W was bugging me ever since he asked me out but i rejected him.

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Okay guys this pic I put is exactly how he stares and smiles at the same time. I know creepy right?

Okay guys!!!

I just wanna say!!!

Happy new year!!!🎉🎊

Yes I know 😔 Cansu is very late on that and Cansu is very sorry for that

But any further of due I wanted to say HELLO 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And goodbye 2015!

I'm going to be more Focus this year! I'm going to learn more this year! And I'm going to pass all my test this year!!!!

But really what's gonna happen is....

Not listening in class, not learning anything and not passing any of my tests.

Let's face it guys!

I'm an average girl who gets an average score in test

That's me 💁🏻

And today story time is

Wow all my chapters are really about my stories.

Anyways let's say story time girls!

Okay so I hope you all remember mr W 🙄😑😒 because well he didn't stop bugging me ever since he asked me out.

Like bitch get your ugly fat ass away from me or else I'm gonna kick yo ass all the way to China! And you can eat all kind of sea food there because since you nearly eat every single thing in the water that are fishes or shit.

Okay so he would constantly stare at me and whenever I look back he would turn away or look sad. As if trying to make me feel sorry for him well bitch I don't.

I hate when you don't like a person and they would stare at you as if you did something wrong? bitch if you wanna go let's go!! Because I'm ready to pull your nasty ass curly blonde hair that looks like pigs tails and I'll punch your nose and blah blah.

Okay like seriously my mind that's what I was thinking and imagining of that and I did felt good because I won.

" Cansu can you answer this question?"

BITCh!!!!!! Do I look like I put my fucking hand up!!!?

Like hell to the no! Either your blind or you can't be stuff working it out.

" umm I its...ah shit...." I was fucking confused. Not my fault

I mean it is!!

No it's MR W!!!!


" umm its eh....umm give me a Min to think"
" I can wait all day" he said. Ugh..I hate when teachers say that. It makes it seem like he said it as if I was dumb and he's going to wait 20000 years later

" Ay!...its 105" guess who whispered to me this!!!!?

Oh yeah its fucking mr W!!

Without even saying thank you to him 😈 heheheh

" oh it's 105" I said.

I looked over to mr W and he was smiling but I looked away not even smiling or noting.

What bitch just because you gave me the answer doesn't me we are okay now or even were not a thing.

At the lockers area, our lockers were so fucking tiny like my butthole hahaha nah just kidding

But seriously tho it was small and having a big fat school bag than yeah it was tiring.

I pushed my bag in a little further and all my books and papers fell out. Due of how messy my locker is and I didn't give a fuck, I sighed and bent down to put my stuff until there was a huge shadow I look up to see my bag was going to fall

Bitch!!! It was gonna fall on me!!?

Me being so fucking dumb ass bitch I didn't move I just stared at if it was a ghosts

Until I heard!!

" I'll save you don't worry!!" I turn to see mr W running and pushing my bag in. I rolled my eyes.

" there your save now" he smiled.
" I could of save myself thank you very much"
I grab my bag and walked away.

When I got home this is what I said to my mum

" mum!!! I'm not using this bag anymore it's poisonous and it will kill me!! So I'm putting this in the bin" I didn't wanna use it when mr W touched it

Okay normally I'm not like this to people but to him yeah because you wanna know why

Oh god....the memories are flashing back ewwww

* he bites his nails
* he eats them
* plays with them
*  picks his nose
* eats them or rub it on his clothes

Please don't tell me this isn't gross

Because it is!!!!!!

And he would try to touch me or even be on my team. It's so annoying you guys

I said I could be friends with him but the things he does just to get me liking him and just so annoying and it make me start to hate him so bad

" omg Cansu are you going to turkey"

" yeah I am"

" hey Cansu are you going to Turkey?" Mr W said

" why do you even care?" Then everyone 'oooo' and then the bell went.

I felt bad but it just to get his thick ass skull to know I don't like him gosh!!!!!

Okay bye and see you idk whenever I feel like typing.

If you have any stories that you want me to write or even you have your own to tell me then comment down and I'll definitely read them and comment back.

Peace out

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