How to tell if a boy likes you? Pt2

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Okay this is going to be my own sayings to you. Deal with it I only could come up with 'sayings' instead of other fantastic words.

Okay so if his a shy person. He wouldn't be as easy as it seems, he wants to talk to you but he is shy at the same time.
For example: go and talk to him
But...if your shy too....than there's going to be a problem.

Okay so...hi and hello is always and the best thing to start an conversation. Just say hey and let's see what he says backs who knows you guys might turn out to be friends.

In the other hand. If this person isn't shy and most likely confident, he would come and talk to you. He will compliment you, smile at you.

They always say that girls should ask their crushes first . But bitch like hell to the no, I want my crush to ask me out because it's the best and it's more romantic like that. I aren't got no guts to go ask him out, rather have him go ask me out.

1 year later

He still didn't ask me out yet. Lmao so I dropped him.
Yo you hear me!? I dropped yo ass, I aren't got no love for you. You take to long bitch, sorry to sink your ass.


There's always another men/guy/boys whatever you call them. there are always males you will fall in love, you just have to wait just like your waiting for your period to come. Okay that wasn't funny and it wasn't meant to be 😅

This is awkward 😐😶🙃

He would do stuff to you ( ✋🏼 fucking stop, I don't allow dirty minded people) lmao as I was saying he would help you out like homework, or moving an object or other things you could think of really.

Okay girls 👏🏻 stop being sad or jealous. Wait if you like this guy and the guy likes you....then you should be jealous so he knows you like him. Okay but don't be sad, you don't even know what I'm talking about oh jeez. I mean if his talking to another girl, don't be sad because his obviously trying to make you jelly. Duhhhh....unless if he truly has a crush on you 😕🕵

Oh and the best way to know if he likes you is to make him jelly too!!


That's not the case!

Do not talk to that person to much to make your crush jelly.

Just be like this for examples

" hey" you say, quickly look over to your crush. If he looks ' great!' If he isn't then keep on trying.

" what was the homework for English I totally forgot it" okay do not flirt please. Your just using that person to make your crush jelly and if you do flirt with that guy he will eventually will start liking you. And your crush may longer no be your crush no more will be the boy said won't have a crush on you no more.....

So just keep it like a friendly way.

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