What girls think about

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Okay hey everybody!!!!
This into isn't very...good I really need to found something else.

So this chapter is gonna be about what you girls 👆🏼 think about during
A) at school
B) at the pools
C) at home
D) at your friends house
E) your crush

Okay so let's start of with a) because like that's the first letter of the alphabet....

Okay so when your at school and you start walking down the hallways with loads of people you start to think
1) is my hair okay?
( checks a window or tells a friend )
2) are my friends with me ( checks to see if your friends are with you)
3) did I step on something? ( checks your shoes)
4) it my makeup is still on? ( tells a friend)
5) shit...I hope my period didn't go through my dress/ or if you don't have your period you just think there's something there anyways ( tells you friend to check behind you)
6) oh there's my crush, I'll look down( tells your friend to see if your crush looks at you when you won't)
7) eww what's that smell, eww smells like armpits ( close your nose)

Okay now b) at the pools!!
1) shit...to many people...
2) checks to see if you shaved your legs and arms ( phew)
3) oh shit the water is cold
4) did anyone see my reaction, God I hope not.
5) omg is that mr Jackson!? God how embarrassing)
6) omg loads of hot guys
7) shit need to pee, but I don't want to get out the water because it would get cold again once I get in again
8) I'm so hungry
9) I don't want to have a shower here because I do not like the public area. So I'll have a shower at home where I can be more comfortable.
10) what is he staring at?
11) fuck my eyes!! They are hurting my eyes!!!

Okay now c) at home!
1) I'm soo bored
2) I'm sooo hungry
3) maybe I should stalk people on social media
4) I'm tired
5) should I call my bestie
6) wait I don't have one.....
7) looks around the room to find something to do
8) there's absolute nothing do do!!!!!
9) unless...watch pll or teen wolf? Wait pll season it already done. Waiting for another to come out. Ugh! Hurry already!!
10) that bitch from school was so annoying I'm starting to hate her because she's smart in class and knows everything and everybody is starting to talk to her.
11) omg there's a bug in my room!
12) fuck me! Did I have homework!? Shit!!!!
13) I wished my tummy was flat....I just was if cut it ( but instead you play with it)

Okay d) at your friends house
1) where should I sit?
2) oh there's her parents I should say hello
3) I'm so Hungry but I don't want to tell her because it would be rude.
4) I need to go to the toilet shit...should I hold it in or tel her if I can use the toilet
5) should I sleep over or go home?...
6) fuck she\he is fighting with their parents what should I do? ( stare to a wall as if it's interesting)
7) I'm so hungry but I don't want them to think I'm a pig eating a lot

Okay last but not least e) your crush!
1) his so cute today ( his always is dummy)
2) should I talk to him
3) fuck off bitch his mine! Go away!
4) fuck he looked at me!!( flicks your hair to aside acting cool too)
5) his walking towards me!...and...he walks past me. Great.
6) I should make him jelly
7) I should tell my friend if he saw me leaving the class
8) I should make my books/bottle fall on purpose to see if he would help me out
9) nah...too obvious
10) (fuck the teacher asked you a question that you don't know the answer to it) ah....fuck if I get it wrong the teacher yells at me and also my crush would think I'm dumb

Okay guys that is it for now I hope. If you have any idea for me to make that would be great, you can also comment what other things you think about too.

Peace out✌🏼️

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