Falling to hard

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You know what is the worst thing can happen to girls or guys but mostly girls......

Is when you find out that your crush doesn't loves you anymore

Your crush that you was so certain of that he likes you, your friends keeps telling you how much he likes you

All goes down to stage 0......

Where you think to yourself....does he even remember you?

Just because he moved schools. And forgets about me. Would make me feel better? Happy?

Your wrong....

You have tricked me!


Called me beautiful, cute and blush and smiles whenever your with me

Was I to shy for you?

Was I not to popular for you?

Was I not good enough for you?

How can someone forget about another person so quickly just blows my mind

Just makes me realise how immature you are and not a real man.


2016 was my worse year ever...

Boys are turning into fuckboys

Even the nice guys.....

2017...who knows what kind of a year would that be

But I hope that I would never meet someone like the guy that I have met.

He has ruined me

Crushes my heart into millions of pieces

Ignored my text messages where as you could of just said " hey umm I like this other girl, and I'm kind of busy"

I'll fucking get that!

Why me?....

Why do I have to get the bad luck for

Do you want me to cry every night?

For this guy?

I wish I didn't cry but I do.....

I bloody do and my fucked up Brain falls for it

I can't wait until 2017 arrives

Because that's when I will change

No....not change myself

But Start fresh

And not to think about boys that much and focus on my goals to be successful in the future

Because realising that crushes can't get you anywhere in life than crushing your heart into millions of pieces....

If you are struggling something similar, please don't be afraid to message me so I can help you out


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