What!? Alan no!... RIP

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Can we just take a moment please.....😢

This makes me so sad like literally I'm crying while typing this.

I don't care I want all of you on the comments saying ' RIP Alan rickman' you can also right your thoughts about him too.

But here's mine.

When I see people from my childhood movies die....my heart stops because it feels like I known them for ages. Even though I watched their movies like 1000 times their faces...will still remained in my heart and mind. I can't believe he died I never thought he will die....because in Harry Potter in my world he was a  strong man. Even tho it was a movie he was a strong man, it makes me very sad that kind, loving good man dies earlier than the people who should die because they are bad.

I wonder how Emma Watson and Harry Potter( I can't be stuffed writing their names and also Ron) how they felt, and know that he is dead. And also they have been working with him since they were little while shooting Harry Potter.

Did you know I thought he was bad in Harry Potter but realises he wasn't that bad. I don't know why I felt so bad for thinking he was evil but truly he wasn't, in my opinion he was rude to Harry but only because he reminded him so much of his father ( James) because he hates James because he likes lily. And James took lily away from him. That's why he was so rude to Harry, other reason why is because he saved Harry not once but loads of times. He then realised that he had a hearts

Honestly, he never was a bad person, because doing a few bad things in our life does not mean we are a bad person!
He's always been good, but made some bad choices.

Alan rickman you died at 69 years old and died just yesterday, I'll like to say RIP to my favourite character in Harry Potter. 😢😭😥

Please everyone comment ' RIP' it'll make my life much more happier knowing people do really care and knowing also people did loved him either way.

Bye my beautiful readers 💋💋💋

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