When you think somone is into you but really he isnt

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We should have a name...because I don't want to keep on saying hello, hi and like what's up. Like no please. Comment if you have an idea because that would be awesome!

Okay so this is going to be another chapter about me thinking someone has a crush on me...but turns out complete different.

Yes girls or boys, a lot of you have had this moment of life.

And I'm going to share mine to you.

It was the beginning of high school which means I was in year 7. I looked so ratchet and I guess everybody too, right I was so stupid and dumb for thinking about this and now I'm like why the fuck did I even think of that.

so, a guy started looking at me and my brain is like ' omg he likes you, he's going to ask you out' but I didn't like him. Thank god or it was going to be a problem.

One day, he ask if I was Turkish and I'm like yep and his like oh yeah me too. and I really didn't care, so I just nodded.

And what he said blew me away

' if we're both Turkish than I'm going to be your brother and protect you and stuff' that now made me want to cry. Because I aways wanted an older brother because like yeah. And I was so happy and yes he did protect me once and I will mention in a chapter called ' the psycho crush boy'

And so I thought he liked me because he was staring at me. No. I was complete wrong, instead of him liking me he likes someone else which made me to be relax.

Please don't think what I thought when I was back then. Just because someone stares at you doesn't entirely means he has a crush on you or likes you.

I'll promise to make a chapter called ' how can you tell if a guy likes you' Yes some are going to be on the Internet to make the chapter longer lol but some I'm making it myself which I have experienced and seen and my friend has said that he totally likes you but never confess.

Peace out✌🏼️

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