When people change their personality

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Hey guys

I know what you might be thinking but...it's true. People do change, but some change for their own good needs and for good reasons and others....just change to be different so they can fit in.

Let alone that...changing isn't the key point here.

The key main point is that just be yourself, man jeez.

Girls,guys whoever freakin aliens or ghost whatever. I realise that whoever I meet, whoever I seen from the past and now present has Changed a lot.

Now is that a good thing or a bad thing?...🤔


I..had a friend in primary school. She was the only friend I had since all my other friends left the school, she was Turkish like me, so we connected. She was so nice, innocent person that we used to get bullied. She was the type of girl who wouldn't fight back.

But now...or in 2014 I went to see her now in that 2014 time it has been 4 years, and now it's 5 years I mean 6 years forgot its 2016 😂.

In 2014 I went to the shops to meet her the very first time, since we're all grown and stuff. To mind you all I'm still the same person since primary school yes a little changed but not to much, she comes and her features hasn't changed. Once we gotten to re-connect but it seems for me that I didn't feel confident, comfortable around her. I felt weird, bad vibes in her and I didn't feel safe.

She saw her friends and said hey to them, and she totally forgets about me and one of her friends realises that I was there, like bitch if you don't want to hang out with me than say so! I walk out of this please with no Hesitation.

But then we walked and walk around, I figured out that wow. She has changed a lot, the way she talks, and just everything. It made me sad that this was not the person I was friends with back than, it made me realised that she really wanted to changed and that I know in my heart that she wanted to change so she wouldn't get bullied again.

But I came all the way here to see you and you didn't even made good effort being around me, I was so excited and happy to see you on that day but as soon as we meet my whole System died out.

I wanted to go back home, I was bored. All she talked about was herself, whenever I talked about myself it was always like ' eww ' ' OMG that's disgusting' and yeah.

I realised that when people change their old friends don't see them as friends anymore because trust me once I was there and seen her personality wise i was like

Who are you?

Who is this girl standing right next to me?

I was hungry I wanted to eat but all she wanted was drinks.

That's why I have a phone, I texted my mum saying ' I need to come home right now, just pick me up. I'll explain later once you picked me up' I texted this while she saw her other friends, I really did felt like I was invading her personal life, and it seem as if she wanted to hang out with them. But than realised I was there, it was kinda embarrassing how she knew basically everyone there and I didn't it's because I don't like going to that shop just for personal reasons. My mum finds it kinda creep, considering there's older man out there looking at younger girls. We had to go there because she lived closer around here, so it wasn't that much of a big deal.

For me it's just I hate when people change for other people, and it just looks bad. Like no, if you wanna change at least made a good reasons out of it and also make it good. Because you were fucking boring ass shit not making me feel as if wanted around there. If you didn't want me there then say so, because people like me doesn't like when people doesn't say to my face than says it to other people's face. Like no, who the fuck do you think you are?.

Right now your acting like the girls who bullied you back in the past mate.

Once that was over, I didn't want to hear, talk or see her again. My mum told me that she had bad vibes in her, my family have a really good in sense when it comes to meeting people. It's just incredible how I could sense her attitude, personality wise so quick.

She did a lot of stuff while at the shop, didn't want to go in more details because she might be reading this oh god, but umm...yeah.

For me I just don't like when people change its just shows me how they didn't like themselves in the past, and their friends. It's like they want to change everything's in the past and forget about it.

I once called her in the past it was even more in past when I was in primary and she left in grade 4. So in grade 5 the teachers saw me down and gave me her number, I called her and she said.

" hello who's this?" And I smiled thinking wow still the same voice ( lmao creepy ahaha)

" hey guess who this is!" I was happy and excited.

" no just tell me?" She said.

" it's me, I mean Cansu haha" I said all happy.

" oh...hi.." I frown my brows because I thought she would be happy to hear me but I guess not.

Comment if you had or have any kind of this things happened to you, and please vote.

Bye guys 💋💋

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