Girls dont say this to your bf!

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20 Things not to say to your boyfriend.

1. Will you hold my purse?

2.Can't we just be friends?

3.I'm pregnant.....just kidding!

4. My last boyfriend was a little bigger

5. I betcha I can fart louder than you can!

6.You'll meet my soon as he's paroled.

7. Do you think these cold sores could be something serious?

8. I've been thinking a lot about entering the convent.

9.I tell my mum EVERYTHING!

10. Why can't you be more sensitive?

11. I betcha I've been with more guys than you have with girls.

12. Stop hanging out with your friends and spend MORE time with me!

13.My ex-boyfriend is serving time for armed robbery.

14. What's more imported to you me....or the super bowl?

15.It's not stalking if you really, really, really love someone.

16.Would you mind if I saw other people?

17."Easy" is just a nickname I picked up in school.

18.You need to get a cell phone so I can call you ALL the time!

19. I've already picked out names for our children.

20.Could you just run into the store and grab me a box of pads?

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