Epilogue: Perfect Fit - Harry

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Epilogue: Perfect Fit - Harry

I flinch as the needle touches my wrist, marking my skin with permanent ink. I've gotten so many tattoos, but each new one feels like the first. I squeeze Rose's hand while Jason makes the outline of my puzzle piece tattoo. Now, when I put my arm next to Rose's, the pieces will look like they fit together.

Rose and I have been together for about a year and a half now. After I announced my love for her on television, I've asked her to move in with me, and I'm planning on asking her to marry me tonight. As for my fans, they really accepted Rose. Most of them love her as much as I do. They even started calling us "Hose" which isn't the best ship name, but if the fans are happy with it, then I'm happy with it. As a matter of fact, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

"All done."

"Thanks, Jason."


As Rose and I are leaving the tattoo shop, I get a call from our new manager, Ken. The boys and I finally stood up to Rick and we had him fired. The last I heard, he was working as a taxi driver.

"What's up, Ken?"

"I was just calling to remind you that you're supposed to come to the studio to record Best Song Ever tomorrow."

"Thanks. I'll be there."

We're currently working on our third album and upcoming stadium tour, and we have a movie and new book coming out too. I'm really proud of how far we've come. Although, it still feels like I just came fresh out of the X-Factor.

We make it back to our house and I suddenly become nervous about my proposal. I can feel the ring in my pocket, bouncing with each step I take, taunting me. This is the scariest moment in a man's life.

I have a really creative way of asking Rose to marry me. I told Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn about my plan and they seemed to love it. I just have to make sure that she wants some tea.

"Tea?" I ask as we walk through the front door.

"Yeah, I could go for some tea."

"Perfect," I mumble.


"Oh, nothing."

I make sure to grab Rose's mug and one for myself. The tea doesn't take long to make. I pour some for each of us and I hand Rose her mug. Here goes nothing.

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