I. sandy

786 19 14

Chapter Status: Edited.

"Okay, so all you have to do is click on this tab and it tells you who has books overdue. You click on their name, you call them and tell them if they don't return the book by closing time they will have to pay a $20 fine," Tahlia explains.

"That doesn't seem so hard," Chloe Howell, the 17-year-old Canadian, replies.

"It's not, but the hard part is remembering who you have called, you have to keep a list, especially when there is a lot of names, this place can be quite popular, especially when school's on," Anna states.

"But that's basically all year," Chloe frowns.

"Yeah, I know," Anna smiles cheekily.

"Well, Chloe, if you think you've got it all down packed, you can start now," Tahlia suggests.

"N-Now? But it's only my first day!" Chloe stutters.

"Sorry hun, it's better to learn now then hold it off and not know how to do it later. Besides, you did say it doesn't seem so hard," Tahlia teases.

"Okay, who's first?" Chloe questions in defeat.

"Well, click on the tab," Anna instructs.

Chloe sighs and clicks on the tab; instantly, a short list of names pops up.

"I guess I'm calling William Gurmichael," she pauses, "what sort of last name is Gurmichael?"

Anna snorts whilst Tahlia rolls her eyes, "just dial his number," she laughs.

Chloe picks up the phone and dials the number, after a few seconds of waiting, she begins to talk.

"Hello, Mr Gurmichael, my name is Chloe Howell and I work at Storybrooke's library, you have a book overdue."

Suddenly, the door bursts open and a girl comes running in, panting heavily. Her long dirty blonde hair is a mess, her greeny grey eyes filled with fear. She is about 5'6 and is really pretty, but the panic in her eyes distracts them from this fact.

"Are you Tahlia Kennedy?" she asks in a hurried voice.

"Yeah, that's me," Tahlia nods, stepping out from behind the desk and walking towards the girl.

The girl screams and a grey coloured energy flies across the room, barely missing Tahlia and hitting the bookshelf. The bookshelf does not fall, but some of the books began to ignite in flames. Tahlia's eyes widen and she quickly blows the fire out, repairing the books in the blink of an eye.

"Holy shit," Chloe gasps, filling the silence.

The girl's eyes begin to flutter and she falls to the floor.

"We need to the call the hospital!" Tahlia shouts, running over to the girl.

"I'll do it!"

Chloe hangs up on Mr Gurmichael without a goodbye and hurriedly dials the hospitals number.

"Is she still breathing?" Anna asks, running over to Tahlia.

Tahlia leans forward and holds her ear close to the girl's mouth.


Anna sighs in relief. Within a few minutes, a few men in green uniforms run into the library and place the strange girl on a stroller.


Tahlia looks at the door as Erin runs in, wearing the same uniform as the three men.

"Erin!" Tahlia smiles.

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