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3rd POV
A kitten not only more than a week old was left in a box in a alley, your silky short hair (h/c) was now muddy, shaggy and your (e/c) eyes weren't shining with excitement but they were now dull, and bored. You were starving, so you climbed out of the box and walked for a little bit until you collapsed to the ground, squeaks coming out of your mouth calling for someone and closed your eyes. You mew for a little while until you were picked up by your scruff of your neck "It's alright love..I'm going to take you home with me." You mew a little more as you were carried.

Iggycat's POV
I walked down the streets, grumbling "Damn frog face....bloody hell!" I grumbled as I was walking past an alley but stopped when I heard tiny squeaks coming from the alley "What the bloody hell?" I mumbled as I walked down the alley. I sniffed the ground only to meet nose to nose with a small (h/c) kitten mewing, I looked at the kitten 'Who Would Leave A Kitten Alone....(S)He's only a week old Bloody Hell?!' I thought as I picked up the kitten "it's alright love....I'm going to take you home with me" i heard her/ him mew more as I walked away from the alley and headed home.

I walked up the door and scratch it and it open to show my person with a shocked expression "Iggy! Why do you have a kitten?" I ignore him and walked towards my bed and climbed in, placing the kitten next to me. (S)He continued to mew but stopped when I placed her/him next to me, I licked her forehead then (s)he was picked up by my person "Iggy...I'm going to clean her/him up....poor thing" he said as he walks away band into the bathroom, I followed him and sit on the counter watching the kitten mew as (s)he was getting clean. I licked her/his forehead as (s)he was getting dried then (s)he was nice and clean "Alright....Iggy you can take her/him" I picked her/him up and walked back to my bed "YO DUDE?!" I was about to put the kitten but was rudely interrupted by Americat, who was on me making me drop the kitten "AMERICAT?! You made me drop a kitten You Bloody Fool!" I said pushing Americat off of me and walked back to the kitten and picked her/him up then put her/him in my bed "What happen to the poor thing aru?" I groan as I turned back around to see Chinacat, Francecat, Russiacat, and Americat. I sighed "I found her/him in an alley as I was walking by it" I answered.

Your POV
I opened my eyes to see 5 cats around me talking "W-where am I?" I asked shaking in fear as they looked at me "What's your name love?" A Cat with bushy eyebrows asked licking me forehead "(y-y/n).....what's y-your?" I asked as he continued to lick my head "I'm Iggycat but you can call me Papa.....this is Chinacat" I looked at a dark brownish blackish cat with a weird tuff like ponytail " Francecat" then I look at a long hair white cat "Russiacat" then at a large brown cat " and Americat" I look at the last cat with.....glasses and a cowlick. I looked at them and smiled "Cool..." I said getting out of the bed but was put back in "Hey! I want to play!" I whined "Not now love....it's time for a nap" Papa said as he licks my head "What are you guys doing here?" Papa asked "Oh! Our person had to go to a meeting.....ours isn't til tomorrow aru" Chinacat answered. Papa laid in the bed next to 'me',but I placed a dummy of me so now I was walking around "hehehe.....never underestimate a kitty officer.....I'm so hot I could kiss myself!" I said cocky, walking around but I was pushed to the ground by someone's paw "I Got Jou....I don't zhink jour suppose to be here?!" "AHHHHHHH HEEEELLPPP?!" I screamed still on ground, I saw a blue-gray tom with sky blue eyes with a German flag collar around his neck starring down a me "Oooh poo...." I pouted as I was picked up and was carried back to Papa "(Y/N)! Where Have You Been!" Papa said as I was put down on the ground, I flatten my ears and looked at the ground ".....sorry Papa" I said looking at the ground.

"*sigh* it's fine..... Thank you Germouser" Papa thanked the blue-gray tom "Jour welcome" then a ginger tom with a dark line and a curl going down his back comes our "Ve~ Germouser  wha- Who's-a The Cute Bella/Bello!" He said coming up to me. I smiled and tackled him, we rolled around until I sat on him "I'm (y/n)!" "I'm-a Itabby ve~" Itabby said as picks me up and placed me in bed "Aw! I'm not tired!" I whined as Papa licks my head then looks out the window "Well it's dark out love....it's bed time" he said laying next to me as the others went to their beds. I crawled over papa paws and laid my head on his left leg, I looked at papa "Papa?" "Hmm?" I licked his cheek and snuggled in his warmth "I love you papa!" I answered as he smiled and licked my ear "I love you too (y/n)"

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