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3rd POV
Austriacat looked down to see a little (h/c) kitten (you) wiggling around Hungarycat belly, he noticed a small curl on the small (h/c) kittens head exactly likes his. Austriacat watched as the (h/c) kitten wriggle towards Hungarycat's head "(S)He's beautiful....(s)he even has jour curl Austriacat" Hungarycat said quietly as the kitten wriggle to her leg. Austriacat smiled and laid down in front of Hungarycat as the kitten wriggle close to him "Ja....(s)he is beautiful" Austriacat said as the kitten laid her head on his paw and mew softly.

Austriacat licks the kittens belly making her/him roll on her/his back, mewing more like asking him to stop. Austriacat smiled and let the kitten come back on her/his tummy and crawl over back to Hungarycat's tummy then started to eat "I zhink her/him name should be (Y/n)" Austriacat said watching you eat your meal and Hungarycat thought about it "That's a vunderful name" She said then laid her head down before falling asleep. Austriacat got up and walked to Hungarycat's side where you were at and laid down close to you as you snuggled into Austriacat's stomach and goes to sleep along with Austriacat.

You were 5 months old and daddy's little musician cause when you were able to walk and talk you, you surprised your daddy and his person by close climbing onto the piano chair and started to play a small tune on the piano. You are very talented in music that's what your daddy says, now you were playing with a toy in a another room as your daddy and mummy were being annoyed by an annoying white tom "Kesesesese~ vhere's zhe little one?~ I vant to see her/him !" Prussiacat said before getting whacked in the head by Hungarycat's paw. Austriacat narrowed his eyes "You can't and zhat's finally" Austriacat said before you peeked your head into the room "Mummy? Daddy? What's all the commotion?" You asked innocently coming over to Hungarycat's side "It's nothing sweet......just an imbecile..." Hungarycat said as you snuggled closer to Hungarycat's flank "So this is (Y/n)?.....(s)he looks more like Austriacat.....I bet (s)he's more boring" Prussiacat said before getting whacked hard not by Hungarycat but from you.

"What the heck!? No one never hits the awesome me?!" Prussiacat said getting up and gets hit again by you "Your are not awesome! Your just a perv! A cocky, dumb, pervy cat! That's what you are!" You said as your curl cringe. Prussiacat looked at you and smiled "A tough little Germouser....when he was your age" Prussiacat said sitting down looking down at you. You pouted and went back to your other room where you toy was "Vhere are jou going! Come play vith jour Awesome Onkel!" Prussiacat said as you walked out of the room and you peeked your head back in the room "Mummy.....your right about Prussiacat being an imbecile.....I'm going back to play with my toy" you said and walked back to your toy.

Prussiacat gasped and looked at Hungarycat who was smiling sweetly "Vhat I told her/him zhat jou are a imbecile" Hungarycat's said until a small tune on the piano got all three cats attention. Austriacat looks at Hungarycat knowing who was playing the piano as the three cats walked towards where Austriacat's person plays the piano, once they reached to the piano room they noticed the door slightly ajar making them open the door and peek in to see You siting in Austriacat's person lap, playing a song that's making Austriacat's person cry.

My paws glide on the piano and I could hear Daddy's person sniffle making me giggle. I played the last verse and stopped looking up at Daddy's person who was smiling down at me "Jou do have talent" he said picking me up as he stood up. I mewed as he put me down and walked out of the room and I saw Mummy, Daddy and Onkel Prussiacat siting near the door, I saw Prussiacat trying to hold his tears "Are jou crying, Prussiacat?" Mummy asked looking at Prussiacat in disbelief "N-NEIN! I'm not!" Prussiacat shouted before running out the room shouting "I'm Leaving?!" Leaving me, Mummy and Daddy alone in the room.

Daddy looked over at me and licks my cheek "You are my little musician....Ich liebe dich [1]" Daddy said as I rubbed my head against his cheek, I smiled and Mummy came in and licked my forehead "Ich liebe dich! Mutti! Vätti!" I said making Mummy and Daddy purr.

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